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Boy Scouts - transferring to a new troop

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My son is a Scout, expecting to reach Life rank this summer, just after his 15th birthday. He plans to continue with Scouts to Eagle rank.


Our family expects to be moving sometime this fall. (Husband did midlife career change, has finished school and internship, now looking for work.) That will mean going to a new troop.


My son is one of those awkward boys, and does not always easily fit into new groups. He joined his troop as a Webelo and has done fine. People in our area don't move around a lot, so in these 4 or so years he's never seen any boy transfer into or out of the troop from/to another troop. So he's very nervous about this prospect - he thinks it just isn't done. (In fact, he knows very few boys who have not lived here their entire lives.)


We know there is a mechanism in Scouts for transfers, so I am not worried that he can move to a new troop. I'm curious, though, if anyone has experience with this and can let me know how it worked out for your boy. Obviously every boy is different, as is every troop.


We've told him that we'll find a troop right away, and that just getting in and getting to work is the best way to be accepted. His particular worry is that the timing may be such that he won't get a lot of support from the other boys as far as working on his Eagle project. If we move within the year, he will still have time to build relationships within the troop to make that happen.


He also knows, I think (we've certainly told him), that we encourage him to reach Eagle Scout but it is not a requirement. For all we know, our move may bring other opportunities that will put Scouts on the back burner. We simply have no idea where we might end up and what opportunities may be available!


Basically, we're trying to ease his nerves as much as we can. Any words of wisdom from other Scout families, particularly those who have made a move?

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We haven't had to do this yet with our boys (the time may well come), but I grew up a Navy kid, so my brothers had to do this several times. Sometimes it took visits to a few different troops before they found one that fit, so I would encourage shopping around. My boys' troop would always love to welcome older boys (both by age and rank) ... we have so many drop when they start high school, so there are a lot of boys who are under First Class and 6th-7th grade and not always enough older guys to lead them.

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This is tangential, but how far will you be moving? Does your ds go to camp? My ds works at camp in the summer, so he knows scouts (and leaders) from all over our area. Point being, if you'll be moving not too far, summer camp might be a good place to meet other scouts from various troops, which might be useful in the transition. It would also help him to feel a part of scouts in the bigger picture, beyond just his troop.


My son loved being a counselor-in-training at Resica when he was your son's age - you only have to commit to 3 weeks or so, and you do half-time working and half-time doing merit badge stuff. If he's interested, it's probably not too late to look into this. It can lead to a paid summer job in the future. They're pretty flexible in terms of working around your schedule. PM me if you want details. (I think your ds might be in the same troop as mine was, from what you said in a previous thread.) Do encourage him to at least make Life if he's come this far, and really, Eagle is within reach if he's only 15, and well worth aiming for.

Edited by askPauline
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It's done fairly often and it's not a big deal. Lots of boys need service time, so they should be willing to help with his Eagle project. I would advise you to go to the Council office and see if they can give you a printout of his advancement thus far. It's sometimes difficult to get records from other Councils and that could hold up Eagle.

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My DS just transfered. He was in his initial troop for 5 years and earned Life Scout. He had already proposed one Eagle project with that troop so things were underway. After going to a weekend training at the local BSA camp, DS came home and said he just couldn't take going back to the troop and he wanted to transfer.

There is a long back story to why so I won't go into detail.


He spoke with his Venture Crew leader who is also an SM and Cubmaster. DS visited the troop that week and signed up two weeks later. Transfer paper work was a breeze. DS isn't able to attend summer camp with the troop due to previous scheduling conflicts but it was a good move. DS is once again enjoying scouts. He said that after a month in the new troop he has made better friends and feels more comfortable than he did the entire five years with the other boys. They are already getting ramped up for DS's eagle project and I anticipate many workers for DS to lead.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Thanks! This is all helpful and reassuring. We don't know yet when or where we'll be moving - my husband is looking for a job now. We could be waiting a while - he's looking for pastoral work in a fairly small denomination. (He graduated from seminary last year and had an internship this year.) So there are no specific plans afoot, but I like to be prepared.


Pauline, I will pm you!


Thanks all. I think we'll be well-prepared when the time comes.


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Our troop usually has 1-2 boys how are the "welcome wagon" of sorts. They try to introduce the new boy and show his around, etc. Even with the help, it can still be a tough transition.


You may want to contact the Scout Master before you move or soon after.... talk to him about the transition.


Also, seek several troops. We have about 5 in our county and atleast 2 others within a reasonable distance. The personality of the troop can make a difference also.


Biggest advice: JUMP RIGHT IN! Encourage him to go on the first hike, first canoe trip, first service project, etc.... get busy fast. By rolling up his sleeves, he will make friend more quickly! KEY: Find an active troop. (many are not).


I hope it works well. We have loved scouting!

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I lost track of this thread for a bit - just want to say thanks again for the comments - all very helpful. I've talked it over with my son and he is feeling a little more confident about it. Which doesn't mean he won't be sad to leave his troop, but he feels better about transferring.


From what y'all have said it seems like there are a lot of variations among troops. In our current troop, once boys reach age 15 or 16 they move out of patrols and become Assistance Senior Patrol Leaders. That is a PoR and they help out at campouts, meetings, etc, while working on their own advancement. I assumed all troops did something similar but... maybe not. But we will see what happens when we finally do move.


Thanks again!

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