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7 year old scared to read history books


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My ds is refusing to read almost any history book I offer. If I press him he will read a page or two, but I don't like to force him. We're talking the simple books you get from the library on a single topic, say about vikings or something. He says they give him nightmares.


On the one hand I feel like he needs to be reading something history related to top up our SOTW work. On the other hand, he is not lying - he does sometimes get nightmares and if does they are usually about one or other of the wars we have learnt about in history!


I would like to use more of the recommended reading in the activity guide, but our library never has any of them at all, and finances won't allow us to buy them in at the moment.

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For heavens sake, he is 7 years old! He has his whole life to learn about wars and fighting and ugly stuff. Don't make him read it if it gives him nightmares!!!!!


Find something else to fhim to read, non history related for now. Maybe something about world cultures or something easy. Plenty of time for ugly stuff later.

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I guess I'm trying to figure out which books are problematic. I can see how some would be scary and nightmare-inducing. But some -- especially picture books -- evoke a time and place without recapping the scarier bits of history. If it's important that he reads extra books from history, can you select ones like that, and read them aloud with him?


On the other hand, as others have said, you could just drop the extra reading. He has LOTS of time to learn more about history. The important thing for him at this stage is to be growing his interest in the subject, imo.

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For heavens sake, he is 7 years old! He has his whole life to learn about wars and fighting and ugly stuff. Don't make him read it if it gives him nightmares!!!!!


Find something else to fhim to read, non history related for now. Maybe something about world cultures or something easy. Plenty of time for ugly stuff later.



At 7..... Keep it to maps, and cooking, and fun stuff. No need to scare the poor kid to death.

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My daughter won't listen to anything she deems scary, which is most history and classical kids books. We focus on geography, people, culture, religion, science from historical perspectives. She loves biographies and has gone through nearly the entire "Who Was..." series like crazy. It is below her reading level so she zooms through them and we have great chats about a huge variety of people and times

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Thanks for the thoughts. FWIW I'm not trying to scare him! It's enough for him to read 'the Normans invaded England', for example, and he'll have nightmares. He doesn't need the gory details or any pictures at all.


The flip side is, history is one of his favourite subjects. I don't think we'll drop it completely.


Might just drop the extra reading I think. He reads a lot of other stuff. I can modify what I read out loud.

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