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Another book like "Mr. Popper's Penguins"?


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The kids and I were discussing what books they liked this year. Ds claimed he didn't like any of them (not even Charlotte's Web! :crying:) other than "Mr. Popper's Penguins." He is a sensitive guy and I think he didn't like books that had some sadness/tough emotions. It seemed like he enjoyed most of the books this year, so I don't know if he was just being grumpy when he said he didn't. :confused: He was making a case about how he doesn't like "Language Arts."


I'm not planning on avoiding all emotional books, but I would like to plan some more fun/humorous books for next year. Any recommendations? He will be in 3rd grade and he is reading about a 5th grade level.

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The kids and I were discussing what books they liked this year. Ds claimed he didn't like any of them (not even Charlotte's Web! :crying:) other than "Mr. Popper's Penguins." He is a sensitive guy and I think he didn't like books that had some sadness/tough emotions. It seemed like he enjoyed most of the books this year, so I don't know if he was just being grumpy when he said he didn't. :confused: He was making a case about how he doesn't like "Language Arts."


I'm not planning on avoiding all emotional books, but I would like to plan some more fun/humorous books for next year. Any recommendations? He will be in 3rd grade and he is reading about a 5th grade level.


Henry Huggins books, Ramona

Homer Price (and Centerville)

Boxcar Children (although closer to 3rd grade reading level)

Hardy Boys

Dominic - is this sad??? Not sure, but my boys LOVE this story (audiobook)

Winnie the Pooh is 5th grade level, but maybe too babyish? My ds8 still likes it!

Paddington Bear is 5th grade RL

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Thank you! I've never heard of a few of these - off to look them up!


I also want to add that it is fine if the reading level is below 5th. I just added that to indicate that he can handle a little above 3rd. He would probably prefer an easier book, actually. But if the book is funny/engaging, I think he will go for it.


I have been reading Winnie the Pooh to the kids because I like it. :D


I was just remembering that he did like "Frindle" and he likes the "Stink" series - not that I would necessarily assign a Stink book, but he seems to like books about realistic modern kids.

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Pippi Longstocking had DD laughing out loud. There's also the Roald Dahl books around that level, though most of them have some tragedy. Maybe Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? If he likes animals, he might like Capyboppy, The Story of Doctor Doolittle, or the Freddy the Pig series. The Oz books are good too, since only the "bad guys" come to any real harm.

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