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How to Draw Books

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I need suggestions on buying a "How to Draw . . ." book for my 7 year old nephew. He's requesting one for animals or dragons for his birthday--my kids are not artists but he is quite good for his age. Any suggestions on what might be good?


Thank you,



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I love Ed Emberley's books and purchased several for my kids. They are simple and consist of drawing various shapes and then adding the details. My 7 yr old uses them quite well and my other daughters enjoy them. I believe I purchased some on amazon and they might show you how the inside of the books are laid out. It shows a progression for step by step drawings. We have the book of weirdo's and I think we also have one of monsters. (We have others, but I know the two above would appeal to a little boy).

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bOOks being the euphimism for b**bs here...The title gave me the giggles.


Never mind.


At least I amuse myself :tongue_smilie:


That was my first thought, too. Draw a rounded "W" and put dots in it. Without the dots it looks like a butt. I remember this from Elementary school. :glare:



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Since you say he's advanced, Ralph Masiello's Dragon Drawing Book is awesome. It will probably still be a little tough for him, but it breaks drawings down into many smaller steps, so I think it's do-able for a 7yo w/ talent & patience.


This page (.pdf) shows a page w/ instructions on how to draw an Ouroboros. (The .pdf file was originally linked on the publisher's page for this book. BTW, the publisher's page also has a link to someone's blog who created a dragon puppet based on the style in the drawing book. That would be a really cute project to use for making a card or puppet to go along w/ your gift.)

Edited by Stacia
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