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What -do you have/ have you used- an emergency fund for?

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this really isn't as stupid of a question as it sounds. I am trying to brainstorm for things that are emergency fund "worthy". Here is what I have so far...


1. Loss of income

2. immediate medical/dental (pain related) needs

3. car repairs (1 car family)

4. (short notice) moving fund- we rent and have no intentions of buying

5. (short notice) traveling needs- ie funeral (a few far away relatives)


Can you think of anything else?

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this really isn't as stupid of a question as it sounds. I am trying to brainstorm for things that are emergency fund "worthy". Here is what I have so far...


1. Loss of income

2. immediate medical/dental (pain related) needs

3. car repairs (1 car family)

4. (short notice) moving fund- we rent and have no intentions of buying

5. (short notice) traveling needs- ie funeral (a few far away relatives)


Can you think of anything else?


We set a little aside every month for medical/dental needs, car repairs (we all know it's gonna happen), moving and traveling. The only thing that we would use the emergency fund for is if there was a loss of income.

We set aside into our emergency fund every month.

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Half of your list wouldn't be emergency worthy here.


Car repairs - this isn't an emergency, this is an eminent. Cars will need repairs. It's part of owning a car.

Medical/dental - should have its own fund. Again, it's something that will come up in the future.


We've used ours for

-family emergency (flight for 1 + rental car)

-devastation (had everything but furniture and what we carried ruined in a move)


Other things we would consider:

-needing to get out of the country quick.

-any extreme circumstance we cannot plan for, like loss of income.


The rest are considered non-emergencies and either get a slush fund or not important enough to have now.

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I know you asked for things that would constitute an emergency, but here are some set amounts that need to be included and set apart from the rest of the emergency fund:


- the amount of your homeowner's insurance deductible, plus enough to live in a hotel and eat out for a week or two. Don't wait until your water heater (in the center of your home!) bursts and you have 60 gallons of water on your floors to try and figure out how to pay your deductible and pay for a hotel and food! (ask me how I know :D)


- the amount of your auto insurance deductible plus enough to cover whatever car rental amount your insurance does not cover.

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