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Do kids just vomit for no reason sometimes?

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Yesterday was park day. The boys ran around the park for three hours with their friends. The high was 80 degrees F. Pretty much the whole park is shaded (so much so that my VERY fair skinned boys don't even need sunscreen to play there), and there was a light breeze. It was fabulous weather. They ate their lunches in bites between playing, and had bottles of cold water.


Well, Moose vomited in the car on the way home, and I can't figure out why. He seemed fine at the park; didn't get over tired or over heated. (I am SO glad I gave him a bag when he said his stomach hurt. :tongue_smilie:) He doesn't get car sick.


Five weeks ago, he vomited in the middle of the afternoon, for no apparent reason. (That time I wasn't as lucky; he got it all over the livingroom carpet. :tongue_smilie:)


Both times, he has felt all better after vomiting.


Never had any of the other kids do this, so I'm wondering if it's just one of those 'fluke' things some kids do, or if I should take him to the doctor.


No other symptoms of any kind of illness at all.


Should I chill, or get it looked at?


ETA: I've wondered about abdominal migraines; both Zee and I have been diagnosed with migraines.

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Twice, five weeks apart, I would hold off on a doctor visit. Make notes of the incidents, include food eaten and activities done, temp outside or in house. If it happenes again, make notes. If there are more incidents or they get closer together, or if you start to see a.pattern in your notes; take him in. Otherwise, you can mention it at their next check up.

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Twice, five weeks apart, I would hold off on a doctor visit. Make notes of the incidents, include food eaten and activities done, temp outside or in house. If it happenes again, make notes. If there are more incidents or they get closer together, or if you start to see a.pattern in your notes; take him in. Otherwise, you can mention it at their next check up.


:iagree: I think 2 incidences is not cause for worry.

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There is always a reason even if not readily apparent.


I would not panic about it, no dr unless it became more regular occurance


has he ever had reflux? My little one that had reflux for years as an infant/toddler sometimes vomits after she has been very active. All that running/jumping/hard playing slishes everything around and when she stops it like her stomach hasn't, like it has built up pressure and releases it. She is perfectly fine afterwards, has a snack etc. While she feels ready to go play etc, I have a rule of 1 hour of quiet play after any vomitting to give the tummy time to settle back down.


I would not think abdominal migraine if the only symptom is 1 incident of vomitting on 2 separate occasions with no lingering nausea/cramping etc

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My dd used to vomit every few weeks for no apparent reason. She was dx with abdominal migraines. I have traditional migraines...I guess hers just manifested itself differently. Hers were aggravated by long days and/or stressful days. She hasn't had any since we pulled her from PS (which was very stressful for her).

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There must be a reason, and now that it has happened twice I would take him in. We know a couple of kids with abdominal migraines, but I would not jump to that conclusion without ruling everything else out first. My son vomits when his allergies get bad, when he gets step, and basically any time things are not right with his body. He has a very sensetive stomach, but there is always a reason.

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I have a child who vomits randomly. Sometimes it's more frequent than others. We have not identified a cause but it's assumed there is one. In his case sometimes I'm pretty sure it's blood sugar related. He's also a former severe (as in failure to thrive, scopes, etc.) refluxer and so it could be related to that.

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I had a dr tell me that unexplained vomiting was how migraines frequently manifested in very young children.


The "park day" is likely to have several migraine triggers, from allergens to not eating/ drinking enough to light flickering through the leaves and just plain over-excitement.


Yep, this is kinda what I'm thinking. But he didn't complain of a headache, like Zee always does when he has a migraine that makes him vomit. I guess I'll just keep an eye on it. He does have reflux, so that could be something. I'm just leaning toward migraine because of how he looks when he's about to be sick; it's just like how Zee looks when he's about to be sick from a migraine.

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