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Having a pack of teens over-night and completely uninspired about food. Help?

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We're having a group of my son's friends over this weekend. They're arriving Saturday at about 5:30 and will be staying the night before heading to a theme park on Sunday morning.


Obviously, I need to feed them, but I am, as a friend of mine used to say, unencumbered by ideas.


We're a vegetarian/vegan. Among the attendees we have one with multiple, severe food allergies, including sensitivity to both dairy and soy. Another has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Another is recently vegetarian and pretty much eats bread and cheese. I'm not aware of any issues or challenges for the last boy, but I don't know him terribly well.


The last time I had the group here, I made pasta and breadsticks and an assortment of muffins for breakfast.


The time before that wasn't an overnight, but I made individual pizzas to order.


The boy who eats bread and cheese was here last weekend, too, and I made pizza.


Since this is my son's event, I'd like the food to be things he enjoys. But he doesn't have a wide range of favorites. Pretty much, he likes pasta and pizza and certain Indian-inspired dishes, plus assorted kinds of fried potatoes. (He eats other stuff, just not enthusiastically.)


I'm going to ask for his ideas, but I thought you guys might have brilliant suggestions for me, too?




I have to shop today, and I've so far really got nothing in terms of ideas.

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Taco bar with meat, vegan meat, cheese, soft and hard shells, avocado, tomato, lettuce, beans, sauces. Keep the cheese separate from the other stuff.


Burgers and fries--bake the fries and offer veggie burgers, add condiments and a watermelon to the table.

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Baked potato bar--baked potatoes with an assortment of toppings


You beat me. This is what I was going to suggest. As a type 2, managing with only diet and exercise, dh would not eat a baked potato. But, my understanding is that Type 1's can really eat anything and just adjust insulin?

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Taco bar with meat, vegan meat, cheese, soft and hard shells, avocado, tomato, lettuce, beans, sauces. Keep the cheese separate from the other stuff.


Burgers and fries--bake the fries and offer veggie burgers, add condiments and a watermelon to the table.

:iagree: We have also done a nacho bar Similar set up with canned chili and vegan chili, beans, cheese, jalapeno's.

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I second the idea of a nacho bar or baked potato bar. You could add a pot of soup/chili if you need more. Muffins for breakfast sounds great, too. Or waffles if you have an appropriate recipe. Waffles always makes my dc feel special because I rarely make them.

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You beat me. This is what I was going to suggest. As a type 2, managing with only diet and exercise, dh would not eat a baked potato. But, my understanding is that Type 1's can really eat anything and just adjust insulin?

This is generally the case, but if he was very recently diagnosed he might not have his carb:insulin ratios figured out perfectly and could have trouble with covering certain foods. Pizza is a tough one, but thin-crust makes it a little easier.


Whatever you do cook, try to hang on to the packages or write down the amount of carbs, protein and fat. While he'll probably be able to eat whatever you cook, having meals at normal times and having snacks available is helpful. If you're having pop/soda, diet will be much easier for him.


As for what to actually feed them, I'm no help, but make-your-own breakfast burritos sounds like a great idea!

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Thanks, everyone.


In the name of ease and keeping this to a reasonable budget, we have decided to go with pasta for dinner, chips and cookies and popcorn for snacks, and waffles and fresh fruit for breakfast.


Of all of the options I offered him, my son was adamant that he likes this idea best. And I've checked with the moms of the assorted kids, who've all approved the menu.


Thanks again for the ideas!

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