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Anyone else here making changes for next year?


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This year, I bit the bullet and chose curricula that is organized for me, even when it meant it was more expensive, and I have already started planning out lessons, filing supplies, and making sure I am all set up and ready to go for the next school year.

In the past, I have struggled with what to do and when, and had a hard time staying on top of things because I had tried to plan too many things for myself.

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have you looked at explode the code online? it would take away the writing aspect of the program, i would think. i'm going to look at it for my 5 year old too who has the same problem..



We already use a few online programs so I'd rather not add another -my DD tends to get cranky after using the computer so I try to limit it.:glare:


We used the whiteboard for writing the answers and it worked well -mostly because she can stand and move around. She is terrible at sitting still -she moves so much that she falls out of the chair at least twice every 15 minutes :lol:

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This sounds very much like what I'm doing.

Would you list your curriculum choices, please??



Sure, We will be continuing on with MFW for bible and history and science. We are doing Ex-1850 this year. I plan on beginning outlining for science and history ala WTM and adding more map work than required. Logic will rotate between Orbiting with Logic ( young for them but we are just beginning so I thought it best to start off easy), a mystery book that Nestofthree recommended yesterday (can't think of the name off hand, amazon carries it) and either mindbenders or building thinking skills, haven't decided. Teaching Textbooks 5 along with X-tra Math, Growing with Grammar 5, Soaring with Spelling 5, IEW's US History Vol 1 (new for us) Latina Christiana I (new for us) and Harmony Fine Arts along with Artistic Pursuits to match up with our time period as best as possible.


The big changes are the Latin, Logic and requiring more from them in writing, as well as outlining and written summaries for history/science. Also, the time involved. We are going from what used to be a 2/3 hour day tops to what could be, depending on how long they take to accomplish it, a 5/6 hour day. That includes all core subjects plus free reading, piano, pe but it will still be a longer day than they are used to.

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I think if something were working too well, I'd change it because I'd be bored. There is just no end to my fickle changes :-0 There just always seems to be a reason to change something. Sigh!





Thankfully, I have 3 ever-changing and growing dc to keep me on my toes (and justify my tweaks and changes;)).



ds9 - Just learning to read has eaten up so much of his school time in the past few years. This year he'll have much more silent reading time, and *I* will be more disciplined about writing down more narrations to file away in his folder. He has enjoyed the grammar & Latin we've done in the past (pared way down to save room in the schedule for reading), and I'd like to expand on that gradually. He's a funny kid. He gets a kick out of diagramming sentences...struggling reader as he may be...and loves learning the Latin vocab. I really want to be able to teach to his LA strengths this year! Math - he gets concepts extremely easily. Now, we need to spend the year (before we hit 5th grade!:001_unsure:) hammering out a few details that get overlooked when you do math orally K-3.



dd7 - I'm just ramping her work up a notch. I will do more assigning reading, and writing down her narrations.


ds6 - We are transitioning from a relaxed K to a pre-1st/1st grade. He's a June B-day... I'm calling him "1st grade" so he'll be with his age-mates in extra-curriculars, but some of his work (reading/writing) this year will actually be K level. (Though he's picking it up fast. He may zip right along and "catch up" in a few months.)




Also, we moved in Dec. I am still trying to figure out the best configuration for our school space.:001_huh: I have a nice big basement to work with...I need it set up so that I can work "at the elbow" with 3 kids at the same time. My days are getting overwhelmingly long working 1-at-time, and I have a new baby due in Dec.

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We're changing back to some more structure and more time spent on academics. Right now we spend about 1.5 hours 3 days a week or so. Now, for 6th grade I'm shooting for 3 hours a day, 4 days a week. The year will involve lots of the Charlotte Mason method, Ambleside Online Year 4, Saxon Math, and weekly field trips. Ds will be doing a lot more reading and writing as well.

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We're not changing academics for the littles - our school year starts in January so we're in the thick of things - but Great Girl starts college in the fall :party: and, while still living at home, will be on campus at Big State U. all day. I anticipate lots more little-person-centered homeschooling, more outdoors time, more "I remember why this homeschooling thing was so fun at first" attitude. For everyone.

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We are changing a lot. I started out using every single thing that the WTM book suggested. I spent a ton of money on a ton of stuff that we didn't even finish using.


I really love the classical teaching methods. But then I read some of Charlotte Mason's books and really liked those methods and they seemed to work well with the classical approach. Then I tried unit studies...not so much my cup of tea.


My favorite approach has been literature rich. So last year we tried Sonlight for some of our curriculum. It was by far our favorite year of homeschooling. So this coming year, we are switching to full Sonlight and will see how it goes.


And I am adding another child to our homeschool...that will be a huge adjustment. So I really have to be more organized and scheduled since I will be teaching two kiddos.

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