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Poll for practicing Catholics

The Catholic Church's teaching on artificial birth control  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. The Catholic Church's teaching on artificial birth control

    • I know about it and follow the teachings.
    • I know about it but do not follow the teachings.
    • I did not know about it, but do not/will not use contraception.
    • I did not know about it and use contraception.
    • I just found out about it reading this poll.
    • Other

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We're practicing Catholics but used birth control for many years. When we decided we were ready to have kids, we used NFP for planning and spacing until we decided we were done. We've taken permanent measures now.

I don't remember a time I didn't know about these rules.

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Cradle Catholic as well as the hubs. I'm 34 next month, he's 46. We did use ABC even though the church taught otherwise. I thought God wouldn't be that mad over that, but I was a young 22 year old when I married and thought selfishly. We follow all church teaching now, and I would gladly accept another child. But I'm bipolar and it wouldn't be wise for me to have another, so right now we practice NFP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a cradle catholic in my early 30's. I was not very well catechized growing up, although I went to Catholic high school. I fell away from the church in my late teens, and came back when I got married. I learned about the "why" of the abc teaching during my marriage prep, which I am very grateful for. I was always pro-life thanks to the images I saw of abortions I saw in high school, but no one ever bothered to explain the teachings behind the ban on birth control in any of our classes. Finding out that the birth control pill works as an abortificatient was a real eye opener for me.


We follow the church's teachings and follow NFP, which has also helped us get pregnant when we decided we were ready for more. And yes, we wanted a large family. If we didn't, NFP would be just as effective for us as artificial birth control, when NFP fails it is due to user error, not because of the methods. That is the same reason why artificial birth control fails as well.

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:iagree:I know about it too. And I am Baptist LOL


I am surprised that you only learned of this recently. I am not a Catholic and have never been Catholic, but I have always known of this. The news always makes a big deal about it when the Pope is visiting (particularly) 3rd world nations.


My friends who are Catholic tell me that before they are allowed to marry in the Catholic church, they must attend pre-martial sessions of some sort that make a very large deal about not using birth control.


My husband grew up nominal Catholic (parents sent him to Catechism but never attended much themselves.)

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I'm cradle Catholic and attended Catholic school but my family left the Church when I was around 12-13. I heard of the Church's stance as a teenager but only as heresay and I didn't hear the why. I came back to the Church as an adult, which is the first I heard the full story on the Church's stance on ABC. We follow it and I'm totally on board now that I understand the reasons.

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  • 1 month later...

I know about the teaching but am no longer a practicing Catholic. However, I remember knowing about this teaching, but no one iny family practiced it, even though they were all Catholic (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.). I would like to practice natural family planning though. I am currently using b/c. Think my dh would take convincing.

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This is an issue near and dear to my heart. I am a cradle Catholic who always went to CCD, but never really got catechised. My parents contracepted and were not shy about telling me how ridiculous the church is on this issue. I contracepted for years before having an awakening on this issue. I truly believe that if we continued using contraception, it would have destroyed my marriage. We are now using NFP and I cannot even tell you how my marriage has improved. There is a complete respect there now. I prefer to allow God to determine the number of kids, but my husband is dead set on not having another child. Even with this disagreement, NFP is such a gift to our marriage. Honestly, if I would have understand WHY the church teaches this and realized how reliable and non-toxic (to my body and relationship) NFP was, I would have NEVER used contraception.

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This is a tough subject in our house. DH is a devout Catholic. I was raised in a Quaker household. DH wants a truly "Catholic" marriage. In my previous marriage I used NFP because I do not get along well with hormonal BC. However, my cycle changed so much after having my DD that what was once easy as falling off of a log, is now so strange to me that I've had three unplanned pregnancies with DH. The first two ending in miscarriage. I KNOW that I do not want a large family. I love my daughter but I don't like being pregnant (I'll take labor any day over the 9 months before it!) I've known about the Catholic teachings on ABC for as long as I can remember and now that I'm trying to decide where I fit in DH's faith, I don't know yet what I'll do. We actually got married because we (derp) had unprotected sex an ended up pregnant. Now I'm in the process of getting my previous marriage annulled so that DH can return to the church in full communion. Its tricky.

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