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Where Would you Start in History?


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I am bringing home my son from PS who will be in 4th grade this fall. The only thing I am really struggling to figure out for our curriculum is where to start in history. I keep second guessing myself. I was going to use CHOW and do an overview of world history in one year, so that we can start with ancient history next year in 5th. Part of me just wants to do Modern History where he'd be if we had started from the beginning. I also can't find a reading list to go along with CHOW, so that's driving me crazy. I'd really like to use real books along with CHOW (which I own). Ideas? :confused:

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I think CHOW is a great plan. Have you looked at Sonlight core B&C? It is one yr of world history using CHOW. Even if you don't use SL it would be a good start for some living books. Also check out any one of the many sites that have book lists for SOTW and pick some favorites from each era. SL lists are a great start. Core B is ancients, core C is middle ages to world wars maybe? Core D and E are US history. You can also check out the Tapestry of Grace website for great book suggestions or maybe get the SOTw activity guides to pick some titles. Have fun planning and enjoy your first year at home! :D

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I am bringing home my son from PS who will be in 4th grade this fall. The only thing I am really struggling to figure out for our curriculum is where to start in history. I keep second guessing myself. I was going to use CHOW and do an overview of world history in one year, so that we can start with ancient history next year in 5th. Part of me just wants to do Modern History where he'd be if we had started from the beginning. I also can't find a reading list to go along with CHOW, so that's driving me crazy. I'd really like to use real books along with CHOW (which I own). Ideas? :confused:


You might be interested in Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts program, or at least seeing what lit HOD schedules with CHOW. My dd is doing Preparing next year and we are both really looking forward to it. Preparing Hearts is considered to be one of the best HOD programs and it uses CHOW.


Hope you have a great year with your son!

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This is just ME and what I would do. I'd start with geography, not history. And 4th grade just happens to be a big geography year traditionally, so it's easy to find resources.


That's what I was thinking too. We used ECC from MFW and enjoyed it.

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Having pulled our sons in 4th and 5th grade, I actually agree with starting with world geography. We found it gave some foundational understanding to build history on. Another thing we did which really, really helped, surprisingly, was to do a quick world religions study too before jumping into history. So much of history is affected by religion, and without knowledge of what the differences were and how they affected the actions of people, it would have been harder to explain history.


I would suggest looking at the Elementary level of Connect the Thoughts, and completely ignore that it says 7 and 8 year olds...it is way advanced and would be completely appropriate for even up to average middle schoolers. The overview it has given our kids was astounding, and might have been the best decision we made.



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This is just ME and what I would do. I'd start with geography, not history. And 4th grade just happens to be a big geography year traditionally, so it's easy to find resources.


:iagree: Do a year of geography and have fun with it before launching into world history.

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