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Excercise thread 6/3-6/9

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It's June and we are half way through the year already.


How is your fitness routine coming along? Are you meeting your goals? Getting closer? Falling behind?


We've been talking about the importance of variety in exercise. With variety your body won't plateau, and it will help keep you from getting bored.


I love exercise dvds and that's one way I keep variety in my workouts. I like to try different ones often.


There is one thing I've noticed about a lot of people I talk to irl. They seem to love buying workout dvds and programs, and then they never do them. So, if you find yourself in that habit try to break it. Pull yourself up, pop the dvd in, and actually do it! :D Otherwise you're wasting money that could have been spent on books instead. ;)



My latest dvd is Bob Harper Yoga Warrior. I really like it. It left me sore which is a good thing.


Here's a goal for this week. Do something different than you normally do. It doesn't have to be for the whole week; a day is fine.


If you have any dvds that you bought or borrowed and have never tried it...now is the time to try it.

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How is your fitness routine coming along? Are you meeting your goals? Getting closer? Falling behind?


My fitness goals are coming along nicely. I wanted to lose weight (I needed to drop 70+ pounds) and I'm down about 45 of that. I wanted to lose it all by July, but that was overly ambitious. Slow and steady has turned out much better, and I haven't hurt myself.


We've been talking about the importance of variety in exercise. With variety your body won't plateau, and it will help keep you from getting bored.

Variety is a hard, hard concept for me to embrace. I'm naturally a habit-former and variety often makes me uneasy. Then there is the unfortunate issue of coordination. I am soooo uncoordinated. I can't even clap to music in time. The only way I get a rhythm running is to match it to my breathing pattern. Anything that requires me to watch and imitate is really daunting. I used to get exhausted mentally in yoga classes trying to figure out if my left was really my left or the instructor's left. It's almost as bad by myself in front of the television.

But I do have one yoga video I will try to do this week.


As for anything new, I have a book on isolated muscle stretches. I worked on my tight calves this morning with some success.


Run today-not sure, maybe 5-6 miles. We'll see.

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We've been talking about the importance of variety in exercise. With variety your body won't plateau, and it will help keep you from getting bored.

Thank you, as always, for starting this thread and thank you so much for encouraging us all. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Aerobics today.



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Tracy Anderson post pg workout. This one used to be so hard for me. I'm getting better with the ab moves. I can do a full pike now. :D Granted, it's hard and I'm sure I don't look as pretty or graceful as Tracy but I can do it.


Later in the evening we took a long walk on a trail as a family. I pushed the stroller and then carried ds on my back for a bit. So, that counts as extra. :tongue_smilie:

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It's June and we are half way through the year already.


How is your fitness routine coming along? Are you meeting your goals? Getting closer? Falling behind?


We've been talking about the importance of variety in exercise. With variety your body won't plateau, and it will help keep you from getting bored.


I love exercise dvds and that's one way I keep variety in my workouts. I like to try different ones often.


There is one thing I've noticed about a lot of people I talk to irl. They seem to love buying workout dvds and programs, and then they never do them. So, if you find yourself in that habit try to break it. Pull yourself up, pop the dvd in, and actually do it! :D Otherwise you're wasting money that could have been spent on books instead. ;)



My latest dvd is Bob Harper Yoga Warrior. I really like it. It left me sore which is a good thing.


Here's a goal for this week. Do something different than you normally do. It doesn't have to be for the whole week; a day is fine.


If you have any dvds that you bought or borrowed and have never tried it...now is the time to try it.



I meant to type out this whole long thing on variety but then I got bored with my own thoughts and put it off. :)


I am naturally attuned with getting a variety of workouts in but in order to get functionally fit, it is crucial. Anyway, this thought is nothing new as "variety" is the new buzzword for "cross training" as was "cross training" the buzz word for "variety". Basically, we ought to train for some strength, some endurance, and some flexibility. This all seems like common sense although some modes of exercise work better or are more enjoyable for some rather than others. Plus, with everything in the natural world, we have that principle of diminishing returns.


So here is my experience:


I started out with basic fitness and then branched off into impact sports because it was more fun. So I did p90x, kickboxing, and yoga. Given my body type and hypothyroidism it wasn't working as well as I had hoped. Then I tried Insanity as a fluke. It was so crazy hard and I got shocking results. I loved it so much and I kept doing it. I overtrained that aspect of movement that I degraded my ability to move to slow. ALL my training, not just Insanity, became fast and furious. ALL my exercise was high impact- Insanity, kickboxing (impact from absorbing blows and giving them), grappling, and running. I used to love yoga but now I can't stand it!


I took a functional movement test that comes with my Tai Cheng program and I didn't do very well. I usually spank fitness tests so it was a surprise to me. Off and on I have been doing Tai Cheng. It is very gentle and nice and helps me greatly with posture. The problem is that I still try to work with my impatience. I don't like to spend time moving slow when I have calories to burn! I mean, if I am going to move that slow, I may as well be sleeping. :tongue_smilie: So I am having to retrain my mind as well.


I also had been neglecting strength training, which I find mostly dull, so I started Les Mills Pump! because so many people seem to like it and I wanted something FUN. It is basically barbell training (light weights) with good music. Much to my surprise, I am finding it very enjoyable. The dead lifts, chest presses, and back rows seems to be helping my posture and scoliosis pain. Also, I appreciate that it is very low impact. My body is changing shape with the resistance training. So this change in movement has helped me to get through a fitness plateau.


For progression, I don't think one has to find a *harder* workout. Pump! is not harder than Insanity or P90X (not even close); it is just different from what I am used to working, so it is still challenging.


So there you go.


I like variety so switching it up wasn't hard. It has taken me a while to back down from all the hard stuff (it's so addicting), though. So I understand it when people are reluctant to change or are set in their ways.



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Plus, with everything in the natural world, we have that principle of diminishing returns.





Yes, I actually just read this in the book I'm reading. That the more and harder one works out has diminishing returns after a person reaches the minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. However, one still does get a return.....just not as much. :)


I also just read the HIT section. Extremely interesting. Here's a summary of one of the studies discussed in the book. They found that two groups had almost identical increase in endurance, molecular changes in muscles, and mitochondria (which allow muscles to use oxygen). Here's the difference between the two groups. Group A rode a bike at a sustainable pace for 90-120 minutes 3x a week. Group B biked short, strenuous intervals of 20-30 seconds at the highest intensity that the person could stand then rested 4 minutes and then biked another 20-30 second interval at high intensity repeating this cycle 4 to 6 times. This was also 3x a week.


So Group A exercised a total of around 5 hours a week and Group B exercised between 6-9 minutes a week.


Wow. The benefits were the same. Wow.


The hard part is that those 6-9 minutes have to hurt. ;)

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Sunday: Rest

Monday: 15 mile accidental run :001_huh: + 4 mile walk


Want to know how I ran 15 miles accidentally?




I did my variety training last week. :) This week I'll do my running, walking, and yoga. Love those things. :)


Last week I was out of town for a few days (end of week (which is why I didn't post my workouts Thurs-Sat . . . sorry, but I was working out!) and had time to kill while my son was busy with his guitar thing, so in addition to running those days, I also spent a couple hours at a YMCA. I did 60 min of cardio machines as cross training. One day I did 20 min bike/30 min elliptical/10 min stairs. The next day I did 20 min rowing/20 min bike/20 min elliptical. I also did the Sauna, but I don't think that counts as exercise, lol. I did sweat, though!


I really like the elliptical machine. It gets a great sweat on but doesn't seem to hurt anything. I think if you really wanted to sweat for hours a day to do max cal burn, that'd be a great way to go. I love rowing machines, but I didn't get much of a sweat going with that. The stairs are brutal, lol. They work, but I don't enjoy it at all. The bike is good, but not as fun as biking outside. :) If I buy another home machine, the next might be an elliptical. First, I'd like a nice new bike, though.

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Love the discussion on variety. Historically, I have been the opposite. If I have found something I can do that seems to be working and is benefitting my body, then I am reluctant to change. This has been true even if I have been bored to tears doing the same thing over and over again. I am always fearful that "different" will somehow equate to "less," or "not-as-good-as-what-I-am-doing-now-that-I-know-is-working."


I have gotten better over time, however. I have sort of turned into a DVD junkie. But, I do have a hard time finding new things that satisfy me, and I do have some standbys that I always go to. I am finding that having about two-weeks worth of variety is enough for me. One week was doing Pump! three days per week mixing in light cardio/abs the other three days. The second week was doing my standby NMTZ, Sculpt, and Power Circuit Training mixing in Bum Bum and High & Tight two of the other days and Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior the other. This was truly going to be a perfect mix for me. However, with my hernia, I really have a fear (probably irrational) of Pump. No way to know if my overdoing that was what caused it or not. Maybe it was the yoga? That was new, too. Or maybe it just happened. At any rate, I am rethinking what I am going to do once my surgery is over, and I have fully recovered. I do think, for me, a two-week rotation is just the right amount of variety without letting go of my favs.

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Love the discussion on variety. Historically, I have been the opposite. If I have found something I can do that seems to be working and is benefitting my body, then I am reluctant to change. This has been true even if I have been bored to tears doing the same thing over and over again. I am always fearful that "different" will somehow equate to "less," or "not-as-good-as-what-I-am-doing-now-that-I-know-is-working."


I have gotten better over time, however. I have sort of turned into a DVD junkie. But, I do have a hard time finding new things that satisfy me, and I do have some standbys that I always go to. I am finding that having about two-weeks worth of variety is enough for me. One week was doing Pump! three days per week mixing in light cardio/abs the other three days. The second week was doing my standby NMTZ, Sculpt, and Power Circuit Training mixing in Bum Bum and High & Tight two of the other days and Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior the other. This was truly going to be a perfect mix for me. However, with my hernia, I really have a fear (probably irrational) of Pump. No way to know if my overdoing that was what caused it or not. Maybe it was the yoga? That was new, too. Or maybe it just happened. At any rate, I am rethinking what I am going to do once my surgery is over, and I have fully recovered. I do think, for me, a two-week rotation is just the right amount of variety without letting go of my favs.



I would be scared, too. :group hug: I haven't had a hernia but I've had plenty of injuries doing things that I like.


Praying for a quick recovery.

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Ellen Barrett: Pick Your Level - Weight Loss Pilates - this was a good one. I like Ellen's DVDs a lot so far. :)


Here's a goal for this week. Do something different than you normally do.

This was me today. I seldom do Pilates. As someone mentioned on the Video Fitness forums, Pilates often tends to be the red-headed step-child when it comes to workouts these days :lol: :tongue_smilie:. Well, that's true for me anyway.

As far as variety goes, I need it. I get bored of the same old, same old. I frist read about the benefits of variety when I was a teenager in a magazine, back in the early '80s.

I'm constantly re-adjusting my workout plans and lists. It's almost like an OCD full-time job. :lol:


I'm down about 45 of that.

Great job! :D

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I know we don't normally discuss diet and nutrition on this thread, but I wanted to share my experiences with eating paleo/primal since May 1st.


I had read several threads on this board about doing this and how great everyone who did it was feeling, so I decided to give it a go. I puchased Mark Sisson's The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and went cold turkey on May 1. I have not implemented his methodology for exercising. I don't think I could ever be a cross-fitter. :lol:


I feel fantastic. The first week, in particular, was very hard. I don't recommend starting such an endeavor the week before the onset of one's period! The second week was also hard, but got easier. Now, I really have no starchy/carby cravings at all. He advocates no grains, no legumes, no sugar, and little to no dairy. I do have some dairy (cheese), but am limiting it. I am sleeping much sounder, and I get through my workouts easier. I do not get bloated. I have lost about five pounds, which happened quickly. I didn't necessarily need to lose any weight, but I feel like I am at my more "natural" weight, if that makes sense. When I do get hungry, it is a different sensation - it isn't a starving, I-have-to-eat-something-NOW feeling. Where I live I don't have the best sources for purchasing meats, though I have found a supplier of grass-fed beef. My hair seems shinier, and, most interestingly, when I went to the dentist a week ago, the hygenist (sp?) was amazed that my gums had absolutely no bleeding during probing which they always do since I have some gum issues. I attribute this to overall reduced inflammation in my body.


I have not forced this on my family. I generally fix something I can eat and add something carby to it for them. I have found many great resources on-line for recipes as well as several cookbooks which I have purchased from Amazon.


As previously professed, I am not science-y at all, so I don't understand all the nutritional information he provides. Apparently, his first book, The Primal Blueprint, is even more science-y. In the 21-Day Transformation book he suggests trying it for 21 days to see what happens and says if you don't like it or it doesn't work out for you to just go back to doing what you were doing before. So that is what I did. I have kept on going, and I really have not felt the desire to revert to my prior ways of eating.


Just thought I would share this.

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I'm working up my courage to do my Yoga video tomorrow.



You'll be fine. :001_smile: No one can see you. Don't be afraid to try something new. Just have fun with it and laugh when you make mistakes.


You should see me try to bowl. I'm pathetic. I've been known to actually throw my ball into a different lane. Yes, I'm that bad. Yet, my kids like to bowl so I grit my teeth and ignore my shame. :lol:



I did cardio (running with other moves thrown in) for about 45 min yesterday evening. I ended up over broiling dinner. Oops.


This morning I got up at 6:15 to workout in peace and quiet. Yeah, 10 minutes later my 3 yr old walked in the room. So I did my workout with him "feeding" me what he "cooked" at his play kitchen. Makes the workout that much more interesting. :lol:


As for diet, I don't watch calories. I just eat when hungry and stop when full. So far it's worked for me. I'm sure as I get older that'll change. :)


I have cut out all gluten due to having celiac disease, but I do eat other grains such as brown rice, millet, quinoa (really a seed not a grain), corn, and sometimes teff and amaranth when I can figure out what to do with them. As for dairy I rarely do milk but eat cheese, yogurt, and kefir. I love almond milk. Love it.


I've heard good things about the primal diet. I'm glad you're happy with it.

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Wed: Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning + Bob Harper's Yoga Abs. Plus it's Zumba night tonight. :D


As far as diet, Atkins works great for me when I stick with it, which I haven't been lately. Need to get back on the wagon!

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So this book I'm reading says crunches are a no-no as they can damage the lower spine. It outlines how to do them the correct way. It says to bend one knee not two, to place hands palm down under lower back, and then to raise the head and shoulders just a few inches off the ground.


So many of my dvds have some form of crunches.


It went from don't do sit-ups but do crunches instead. Now, don't do crunches the traditional way if at all. :glare:

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Thursday: Total sloth. Got into a protracted phone conversation and just got to be too late in the morning to do anything.


Friday: Jillian Michael's NMTZ - one thing I really like about this is that her DVD has a different chapter for each circuit, so I can rearrange the order easily if I like. I think the first circuit is the hardest, and sometimes I am just not up for it right away.

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Jogged this morning while pushing my 3 yr old in his Little Tikes car. That was a lot harder than running in my house. Whew.


I'm 36.



I just read that a fit 40 yr old woman should be able to 16 full body push ups before getting tired. A woman in 30s should be able to do 26 and in her 20s 36. In her 50s 11 push ups and keep subtracting 5 for each decade older.


She should also be able to run a 9 to 11 min. mile. If 12 minutes or over you are at increased risk of heart disease later on.

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Self: Bikini Ready Fast – Ellen Barrett - like this one - I've liked every Ellen Barrett DVD so far. :)

This DVD had a tiny bit of Pilates in the end, which I'm liking more and more. Thought to share this:

“I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They'd be happier." -- Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965, age 86.



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