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Where do you store gift wrapping supplies?

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The master closet is where I've kept the paper in the past ( in one of those containers a pp mentioned). The gift bags were in another closet in the old house (I don't know why), and the boxes kept and used for Christmas wrapping were stored in the garage. I just remembered the under bed container that I have. I bet I could manage to fit it all in and store it either under my bed or in the closet. Thanks y'all!

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We had some drawers made for our basement family room a few years ago. We sized them out to be deep enough to hold DVDs on their side and to be long enough to hold our longest wrapping paper rolls.


Before that, we stored paper in a a round, flat-bottomed wastebasket. It kept all the rolls standing vertically in very little floor space.

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I have this one, and while I like the idea, I don't like that I always buy wrapping paper that is too tall and the lid doesn't fit on it!!!! (Especially the darned Christmas wrapping paper!) I think it was from Target.



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I store our birthday/miscellaneous wrapping supplies in a cabinet in the garage. Christmas supplies are in the attic and brought down around Thanksgiving time. I have one of those plastic organizers shown in this thread, but I honestly don't find it that useful. I got mine for a deep discount, so I don't regret buying it but I would never pay full price for one. I keep the tubes of paper in that, gift bags and tissue paper in a bag, and ribbons and bows in a box (so they don't get crushed).

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