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Yearly testing.. give me test names.

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I need to test the kiddos. However I have used the Woodcock in the past and do not want to fork over the dough to do it again. I want to wait a couple years.


That said, what other tests are out there? I tried doing a search but didn't find a thread listing the different tests and if they are good.


I do know about Hewitt.


Finally... are there any online?

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I'm also in NC and we use the CAT/5 from pesdirect.com. They are super to work with (we had a bad, bad experience with the customer service from Seton about 3 years ago, but pesdirect helped us out that year and we've stuck with them ever since!). This year, we mailed our testing materials back on a Tuesday morning at 9am. On Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, I had our results via email! I couldn't believe the speed in which they processed the tests and sent out our results. The CAT/5 covers science and social studies, which is supposed to be covered in order to meet the NC testing requirements. The cost is $40/test.

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I need to test the kiddos. However I have used the Woodcock in the past and do not want to fork over the dough to do it again. I want to wait a couple years.




I really like the WJ III teats. I am wondering how you used them. Were you able to the testing yourself??? The prices on the website are in hundreds - or thousands - of dollars, and some of the materials (i.e cog) are quite restricted. Or did you use an outside evaluator? (That is what we have done.)

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The CAT/5 covers science and social studies, which is supposed to be covered in order to meet the NC testing requirements. The cost is $40/test.


We're in NC too. FYI, the test only needs to cover "the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics." (from the DNPE website) So the CAT survey also qualifies as well as the CAT5 or you can do the ITBS without the social studies and science if you want.

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I'm in NC too. we usually do Seton. However, this year we are planning to do Christian Liberty Press's CAT testing online. It's the same price $25 and they e-mail you the results immediately. http://www.shopchristianliberty.com/testing-service/ Kim


FYI-I used CLP's CAT test last year. The tests were dated 1970! There was some info and vocab we hadn't even heard of!


FWIW, the kiddos still performed well.




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