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We've crossed the line into crazy.........

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I got all sorts of comments when #4 was on the way, we're not sharing the news about #5 for quite a while.


When I went in to the local Naval hospital for a prenatal intake, the nurse practically didn't want to let me leave without a proof of pregnancy to take to WIC. I explained to her that yes, I knew what WIC was but we weren't on it nor did we need it. She just kept insisting that we have 4 kids, we had to be on WIC. Don't get me wrong, I think WIC is a fantastic program and I'm glad it's available, but we don't currently need it and I wouldn't feel right claiming benefits that we don't need (I'm not even sure if we would be eligible for it).

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I'm glad to know I'm not alone in all of this. We, too, just had boy #5 in November. Not only do I get the "all these kids" remarks, I also get "they are ALL boys"....some act as if they should feel sorry for me, some don't know what to say. My personal favorites are a few beautiful ladies who have genuinely said how blessed I am!


As for the "van". We have a Pilot, and won't be able to fit much longer. We have tall kids, and I can barely fit the kids and the groceries, so we're considering the "van" and we don't even have 6 yet....:glare:



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Conversation at the ball diamond between me & another mom:


Mom: Wow! Congratulations. When are you due?

Me: Thanks. Due in October.

Mom: (seeing that I was only there with the boys, DD was at soccer) Oh so trying for a girl this time?

Me: Nope. We already have a daughter.

Mom: So this is your 5th baby?

Me: Yes, this is #5.

Mom: Wow! All from the same dad?

Me: Yes.

Mom: Good for you.


:lol: It was just so funny that I couldn't even be offended. Is this what the world has come to? You have more than the standard 2.2 children and people make assumptions about you....... too funny.


DH said having 3 was more than the average but still socially acceptable, 4 was pushing it but people were genuinely still happy & in awe, with 5 we have crossed the line into crazy territory!!! :lol:


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I got all sorts of comments when #4 was on the way, we're not sharing the news about #5 for quite a while.


We waited until 20 weeks to tell people about #6!


And yes, we *do* know why this keeps happening, and please don't ask us that question in front of our children!

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I am currently 37 weeks (hugely) pregnant with #5, our fifth boy. I am used to the comments about "four boys!" all the time, but being very obviously pregnant again and "worse" yet with another boy seems to set people off even more than usual. I took them all to Sams today and I couldn't count how many people did double takes when they saw me. One woman asked the regular four boys questions and then said "please tell me that one is a girl?" When I affirmed it is in fact another boy she blessed my soul and walked off telling everyone she saw that the woman back there has four boys and expecting another one, can you believe it? Lord'a'mercy! I could hear her still several minutes and aisles away! :lol:


I think I've mentioned this on here before, but, with my two boys (same father), one is blonde/blue, fairly light skinned; one is brown/brown, fairly dark skin.


I feel your pain! My boys all have the same father and they *are* all half mexican. However, only one of my boys has brown skin, hair, and eyes! The rest all have lighter brown hair and green or grey eyes and two are as fair as I am. We've decided I just have very aggressive genes. Our darker son is my husband's mini-me, and it definitely confuses people when we're all together since he's the third child, so the different father's theory doesn't work properly. :D


We fit into a Suburban with 6 kids, so I think the Van doesn't happen until 7.


We are squeezing this baby into our Grand Caravan with absolutely no room to spare. My husband says we need to be done now... unless I want to have to drive The VAN. I keep telling him that a Suburban would do nicely, but he keeps threatening me with the VAN instead. :lol:

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We sprang for the van with three and never looked back. I love, love, love all the room for all the car seats and gear, being able to toss everyone in and jump in after them when it's cold or raining, the storage compartments....


Do you mean just a minivan, or The Van?


We are squeezing this baby into our Grand Caravan with absolutely no room to spare. My husband says we need to be done now... unless I want to have to drive The VAN. I keep telling him that a Suburban would do nicely, but he keeps threatening me with the VAN instead. :lol:


Yep, dh threatened me with The Van too. (I actually don't think he'd mind it because he wouldn't be driving it all that often.) We had a full Odyssey when we were surprised with baby #6, and literally the very day we found out, all DH was concerned with was buying a new car. I was barely out of the first trimester when we bought the Suburban (and I was a completely hormonal freak about it because I finally came around to giving up my automatic doors, and was all settled on a color, when the dealer offered us a different color for a much cheaper price :glare:. I think I might have cried, or at least yelled.).

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That's entirely true! Weird, isn't it? I think traveling in a pack of homeschoolers has skwewed my view. I hear myself saying things like I "only" have 4. :lol:


Rosie, I had the same thing (after the insane questions/comments about fertility, etc) after the boys were born. My rings didn't fit.


People are stupid, but sometimes they're so stupid it's comical.



LOL, I add: I only have three, but the doorstep has a sign for drop off just in case. I homeschool too. :lol:


ETA: The same father comment is what made me pause. I wonder what that says about us as a society that it is common to have multiple dads!

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