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Your *one* favorite homeschool resource?

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Hi everyone,


I'm working on a guide for new homeschoolers and my final (I hope) survey question is "What is your one favorite homeschool resource. Why is it your favorite?"


It can be a book, a magazine, person, place, curriculum, video, website, etc. Anything you felt has been the most useful to you and your children.


I know it's difficult to narrow it down to one resource, but I think that it would be helpful to new homeschoolers to see what veteran homeschoolers have found the most helpful and why.


If you wouldn't mind participating in my survey, I'd appreciate it. There are only three questions, and it should take only a few minutes to answer, once you narrow down your choice.


If the Well-Trained Mind forums are your choice, please list your second most-favorite because it's already been listed in my guide, with a wonderful explanation of why it's a favorite.


Here's the link:



Thank you, again, for your help!


Warmest regards,


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The Bible.


A couple of wonderful mentors locally who I can question and bounce ideas off.


This website.


Attending a large scale convention every few years to get recharged and get my hands on new materials.


Amazon.com - price checking, book reviews, and PRIME!!

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