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If you only HS one child...


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I have an only child... he's 9 and just finished 3rd grade. This was our first year homeschooling, so I can't say every year will look like this. :)


He's an early riser and likes to do some things independently, so before I go to bed, I set out independent work for the day. Later in the morning, we do lessons together, then he finishes up any work. We're usually done by 1:00 or so. After lunch, we either hang out together or at home but doing our own thing, go to group activities, or run errands.


Next year for 4th, we're stepping up the subjects and expectations just a bit, so a few days a week will be longer, and I'm trying to get a few more activities organized. It's easy to stay organized and get lessons done with just one child, but it's even more important that we create regular interaction opportunities for him!!

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It's kind of embarrassing to admit! It is so easy compared to what many are doing - I read about people hsing 3 or 5 or 8 or ? and I feel silly when I have a hard time imagining adding #2!


Anyway, here is a typical day for us, 4 days a week, for a 9 yo 4th grader:

(8-8:45, I take Tiny Mo to school, Miss P reads, eats, wakes up slowly)

9-10 Math


Latin ~30 min

Grammar/Vocab (MCT) ~30 min

Literature read-aloud, discussion ~1 hour

Lunch break - 1 hour

WWS ~30 min

History or Science ~1-1.5 hour

(I go pick up Tiny Mo, Miss P practices typing)


Afternoons are playing outdoors, reading, errands, etc. I try to take the time to read and do something else with Mo (math or whatever she chooses) so she doesn't feel left out (and to enrich her ps fare).


Theater season- for about 2 months in the fall and 2 months in the spring - Miss P has theater practice 3-4 nights a week getting ready for the show. She also does full-day theater camp in July.


Fridays I work, so she has independent work for just a few hours, Math, writing assignment, and reading assingment (lit or history) and otherwise hangs out with her dad. Friday assignments can be tossed at dad's discretion in favor of fishing, kayaking, crabbing, going to the beach, hiking, etc.


Some days during the week I work out in the field, and Miss P comes with me. At first I tried to assign her "carschool" work, but I've pretty much given up on that - she may read, but other than that, she hikes around, observes nature, collects bugs, etc. It breaks our week up nicely, too, and it seems that with schooling into June we'll have no trouble doing enough "real" school days even with the field days.


It's kind of blissful. :D

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I homeschool one child and every day is different. I originally had 3 kids home and we were more scheduled just so I could make sure everything got done with everyone but now with one we really go by her own rhythms and it is much more relaxed though, because we are home alone, she has all one-on-one time and gets way more done.


It really wouldn't help you to put a schedule of our day because our day is split between schoolwork and musical instrument practice. My dd is finishing up her 4th grade year and her actual schoolwork takes roughly 4-5 hours a day.

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I think I was actually too wimpy to ask my real question. I am really wondering...what is your relationship with your child like being mom and teacher? Are you closer because of it? Does it cause more stress? Do you HS only one child but have more than one at home?

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I have one, hs from the beginning, very wiggly. I work so it looks like this:


3 weekday afternoons: start at about 4:30, do math, grammar, writing, spelling, reading and one other thing: logic or Latin or art history etc.


2 weekday afternoons (when kiddo often had 3 hours of hs gym and then gymnastics): one topic, usually writing or spelling or nothing.


Sat/Sun: the three Rs and science one day and history the next. Art on one of those days.


Usually a field trip per week, Papa takes him. Each week has swimming, often a kayak, biking, hiking, skate boarding, and shop class with Papa.

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I think I was actually too wimpy to ask my real question. I am really wondering...what is your relationship with your child like being mom and teacher? Are you closer because of it? Does it cause more stress? Do you HS only one child but have more than one at home?


I believe we are closer. We share so many stories and skills, and when something comes up to remind us of it, we look at each other with "that look". It is stressful at times. It is WORK, and I tell people at work it is my "second job". But, we are closer, certainly closer than I was to my parents, and they were not uninvolved by any means.

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I think I was actually too wimpy to ask my real question. I am really wondering...what is your relationship with your child like being mom and teacher? Are you closer because of it? Does it cause more stress? Do you HS only one child but have more than one at home?


Actually, I think this is the $64,000 question. I homeschool my oldest daughter. We are very close, and this has brought us closer. We are also very similar - temperments, learning styles, personalities, etc. She is my easy child.


I don't homeschool my little one - yet. That is because she is not yet "portable" - able to come along when I do work and meet with clients, and entertain herself while I get stuff done. But honestly, between you me and the other 1500 people logged on right now? I'm so glad to not be *starting* homeschooling with her. She's tough. Loveable, strong, adorable, contrary, but tough. Part of me is very, very nervous about adding her to the homeschool mix. I feel lucky to be able to get the hang of this with my easier child. I also prepare myself for the fact that perhaps *nothing* I am learning with girl number one will apply to girl number 2!!! :001_huh:

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I think I was actually too wimpy to ask my real question. I am really wondering...what is your relationship with your child like being mom and teacher? Are you closer because of it? Does it cause more stress? Do you HS only one child but have more than one at home?


My relationship with my dd is very close. We are very alike in temperament and love of learning. I "read" her well and can follow her interests or know what excites her or how to make something excite her. There is absolutely no stress from homeschooling this child...if she were my middle ds, there would be stress involved because his personality is just different. The only stress is when I have lots of other things I feel I need to get done and time is limited but I don't let that interfere with our schooling.


My boys go to public school so it is just my dd and I homeschooling. We do lots of fun things like experiments, crafts, snuggling on the couch to read together, jumping on the trampoline for a break, etc...

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I think I was actually too wimpy to ask my real question. I am really wondering...what is your relationship with your child like being mom and teacher? Are you closer because of it? Does it cause more stress? Do you HS only one child but have more than one at home?


I've homeschooled my only since first grade. We're finishing up 8th grade this year. We are definitely closer because of homeschooling. He has my sense of humor and a unique learning style, the humor bridges the gap sometimes. Generally we get along great. I know our relationship would be different if he were in school. He's a talker, but not generally a share my day with you kind of kid.


In elementary school our day took 2-3 hours. In middle school it's taken 4-6 hours. High school will take a little longer, but he has some hobbies that he kind of unschools. I work to protect his creative time.


Obviously I don't have other kids, but I would think it would be more delicate balance if you schooled some and not the others. Ds and I aren't morning people, so we start school at 10. If I had other kids getting on a school bus at 6:45 (like they do here), I wouldn't let ds sleep in that long.


With an only child I don't have to worry about it looking like I'm playing favorites. We do tweak a lot of things for his specific needs. If we had other children and were homeschooling, I'd attempt to do that for them. If they were in school, I'd be sure they got my undivided time in some way during the week.

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