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Does this sound like appendicitis?

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My ds 7 1/2 woke up feeling fine yesterday morning, but about an hour after breakfast began complaining of his stomach hurting, so he laid on the couch for a while and then he had to vomit and he said it hurt too bad to walk. I asked him how the pain felt and just where it was located and he showed me a fairly big area around the belly button and said it feels like when somebody punches you in the stomach really hard except the pain is constant and doessn't fade.Most of the day he just wanted to be in a quiet dark room, no tv, no lights on, he seemed pretty miserable, but I was thinking it was just a stomach bug.


He vomited quite a few times throughout the day, I kept trying to get him to eat and drink throughout the day but he only wanted little sips of water. Late last night he finally ate a biscuit and a chicken leg, but he vomited those up about 10 minutes after he ate.


Now this morning he says his belly feels better but now he has a pain in the lower right side under the beltline. He doesn't want to eat and I gave him a glass of orange juice , but within 5 minutes of drinking it he vomited it all up. He complains that he hurts worse if he tries to walk.


I'm going to take him in to the dr. if he doesn't start feeling better pretty soon, but I'm wondering if I might ought to go ahead to the ER.


Any BTDT advice?



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I'm going to take him in to the dr. if he doesn't start feeling better pretty soon, but I'm wondering if I might ought to go ahead to the ER.


I'd recommend *calling* your son's doctor's office NOW (not waiting to see if he feels better soon), and following their advice. The doc might say to bring him in now, or might advise that you go to the ER.


You've written a nice summary, so just tell the doc's office what you told us. What you describe could be appendicitis, but could also be other things.




I hope he feels better soon.

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Does he have a fever? When my daughter had appendicitis (she was 5) it was very fast. She woke up with a 103 fever and a pain in her right side. However, she is very stoic and they did not believe she had it (they were pressing on the area and she was not crying out) until her white blood count came back high and then off to the hospital she went. Her appendix was pretty bad when they took it out that night, but had not burst, than goodness. So, definitely call the doc...in her case fever + pain + high WBC were all the indicators.



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It may very well not be appendicitis but with those symptoms I would call the doctor right away. I had appendicitis when I was 18. I had very similar symptoms as you described. My appendix was wrapped around something else so the pain wasn't in the right spot at first. It definitely felt like someone punched me in the gut.


Please keep us updated. You ds will be in my prayers.

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My son had abdominal pain, which settled in the lower right quadrant, a low grade fever, loss of appetite, feeling of pressure/fullness, etc. No vomiting though.


Anyway, I brought him in to the Dr. and she gave me some tips. She said appendicitis will eventually have a very specific locus of pain, which will really hurt when pressed on firmly, quite firmly. Also, she mentioned a "jump test". Have the child jump up and down, and if it gives them a lot of pain it could be a symptom of appendicitis. She also mentioned that the person would be very reticent to change positions due to the pain.


It turns out MY boy probably just had a virus, but I would definitely give a call to your own Dr., especially if he has any of the signs mentioned above.


Hang in there~ I'll be praying.



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I would be concerned. I would want him to go to a doctor. The photophobia, light issue, is what concerns me. My son had meningitis, the better one to have (for lack of not knowing if it's the bacterial or viral), and he had the photophobia. Any time I hear this my flags go up!


I'm not at all saying that's what your son could have, but that the one symptom just sends up the flags.

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Thank you so much Dr. Grace, after getting your advice here I called his dr.'s office and they said take him to the ER. And so we went, we were very lucky and didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes to get in to a room and see a dr. They ran some blood and urine tests and did a ct scan of his appendix and sure enough it was appendicitis of the gangrenous type.


He had surgery and came through just fine, but the first night we had an awful nurse who was not doing what she was supposed to do for ds and he developed lung and kidney problems and the dr. advised us the next morning that he was on the verge of having his lungs and kidneys shut down, she told me and ds what needed to be done to correct the situation and we set forth with lots of walking, drinking lots of fluids, and doing two different types of breathing treatments three times each hour. by the next day he was showing marked improvement and the day after that he was at normal capacities for those organs.


We spent 5 days in the hospital and it was the scariest thing i've ever been through in my whole life, but he's doing great now and glad to be home.


Thanks to everybody for the advice, words of encouragement and prayers, it means a lot to me. :)




Just wondering whether you got him in to the doc or the ER?


Please let us know.

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Thank god they took him in immediately and you got a great doc. I am so glad to hear you caught it in time.


God bless you all,



Amen to that.


My sister had the same thing happen to her. When they removed the appendix, it burst. If we would of waited any longer she could of had a different outcome. It did take her a while to recover.

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We spent 5 days in the hospital and it was the scariest thing i've ever been through in my whole life, but he's doing great now and glad to be home.


Thanks to everybody for the advice, words of encouragement and prayers, it means a lot to me. :)


What an awful scare! I'm so glad things turned out okay.




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Also, my brother's appendicitis at the age of 12 was preceded by a lot of nausea and vommiting. Better to go have him checked out and be wrong than to have a ruptured appendix. :001_unsure:


I hope you have already taken him in by the time I post this message.




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