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8gb Ipod Touch enough space?

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My 11yo son wants to buy a refurb 8gb Ipod Touch for his first Ipod. Is that big enough? It would take him forever to save up enough for a 32gb...


I thought he might be able to keep some apps in Itunes to transfer back and forth like a "cloud" to save space. Is that right? That way he can have a bunch of games right?

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I would try to purchase at least a 16gb. Our son received an 8gb for Christmas and I wish we had gotten him one with more space.


I don't know anything about the "cloud" you are referring to but am very interested to hear about it!

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My 11yo son wants to buy a refurb 8gb Ipod Touch for his first Ipod. Is that big enough? It would take him forever to save up enough for a 32gb...


I thought he might be able to keep some apps in Itunes to transfer back and forth like a "cloud" to save space. Is that right? That way he can have a bunch of games right?


My younger girls have the 8gb, and it works fine for them. They have quite a few games on theirs...but what uses up all the space is pictures. When they start to run low on space, they remove the pictures (by uploading them to the computer, or deleting the ones they don't want) and it clears up *a lot of space.

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I would try to purchase at least a 16gb. Our son received an 8gb for Christmas and I wish we had gotten him one with more space.


I don't know anything about the "cloud" you are referring to but am very interested to hear about it!


I don't know if it is called a cloud with Itunes. It just means the apps are on Itunes on my desktop, but not necessarily on the device unless I transfer it. Saves space on the actual Itouch.


The Apple online store doesn't have a refurbished 16gb Itouch - I didn't know there was such a thing...

Edited by LNC
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I had an 8GB iPod Touch. Eventually, I found I had to "rotate" my music on and off the iPod; I didn't have room for all of it. It didn't bother me, though. If it's the newer iPod Touch (I assume it is), he will probably start taking up a lot of space with pics and videos. Like others have said, it's easy to transfer those to a computer and delete them from the iPod.


If he doesn't want to wait and save up for something bigger, an 8GB can work fine. He just will have to periodically purge apps and music he's not using, and download and delete videos and pictures.



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Yes, the Cloud would make it much easier. 8 is really, really small though unless you truly stay on top of what you have on it. If you can use the Cloud to keep any music you aren't actively listening to often and if you have another Mac to Photo Stream your extra pictures to, that would make it even easier.

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My 6 year old and 9 year old both have the 8GB. It's not enough.

About once a month, I have to help them remove Apps to make room for more that they want to add. They also have some photos and videos they've made (1-3 minutes each). They have to delete some of those once in a while but neither have a TON of photos/videos,


Because most of the GB is taken by their Apps, I dont load "Educational" Apps like I wanted to.

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I just looked at my youngest (11) daughter's ipod, and this is the breakdown:


Songs~ 86 (0.61 gb)

Videos~ 19

Photos~ 444 (videos and pictures total 1.29 gb)

Apps ~ 70 (3.2 gb)


She does not use all the apps, so if she uploads the pictures and changes/deletes some unused apps, she could free up at least 2gb.

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There is no such thing as a 16gb ipod touch. I bought the 8gb and deeply regret it! It just doesn't hold enough!


I didn't realize until researching that Apple didn't create a 16gb Ipod Touch 3rd OR 4th generation...only 1st and 2nd gen. oops!

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