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ds9 has had bloodshot right eye for a week now

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that is irritated by something undetectable (I can't see anything; ds can't feel anything). It begins to look better for a couple days then, suddenly, the whole area is bloodshot. Yes, he does rub his eye b/c it "itches" he says.


Any thoughts about this out there? The only thing we've tried (several times) is flushing with water.


I am to the point of wanting to take him (gasp!) to the doctor. But then I thought of you all and maybe you'd have some preliminary suggestions - or just a kick in me bum to get me to the doc.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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Dare I say, pink eye. Does it get gunky in the morning. If so that might be what it is. The only thing for that is med.


Could be stye, heal that with warm compress. Usually you can see that when pull down eyelid, there will be white line to a small bump.



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I used to work for an optometrist, and there are 2 kinds of "pink eye" or conjunctivitis--viral and bacterial, just like ear infections. Even without itchiness or gunk in the morning it could be conjuctivitis. It is most likely viral if those symptoms are not present, and would get better by itself, but if it's been a week and no consistant improvement, I'd see a doctor for treatment. By the way--I was the optometrist's receptionist, not an assistant, so I am absolutely no expert!!!! Disclaimer and etc.:001_smile:

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Several times a year I scratch my cornea and looks similar to pink eye, but lacks the 'goopy' morning surprise. It's usually from an eyelash which I try to get out of eye and work too hard to get out.


If it spreads to the other eye, it's most likely pink eye (conjunctivitis). If it goes away on its own in the next day or so it probably was a scratch. Otherwise, DS really should see the doctor.

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Well, I often get allergies in just one eye. I never understood it, but the dr has confirmed that's what it was. It generally itches a lot and sometimes is watery. If it's allergies, I have found the best thing for it is Naphcon otc allergy eye drops. It usually will clear up the redness and itching for a few hours. I have to reapply 2 or 3 times a day. If you really don't want to go to the dr, you could try the drops and see.

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