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Hannah Montana Movie

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I can not believe they are charging 15$ to see this. I was going to take dd, because she loves all things Hannah Montana, but that is ridiculous. And that most times for the next week are almost sold out. Crazy me, what was I thinking?? :eek: I think we will be skipping this one.


And maybe when we move we should skip getting the satellite hooked up, would hate to not be able watch the Disney Channel.



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There is no way we will ever be able to get HM concert tickets, so this is a way to satisfy that desire. And it's much cheaper than a concert will be. Just hoping I don't regret this...


I'm with you on this one..........much cheaper than an actual concert. Several of us Mom's in my neighborhood are going together with our daughters to make it a girls outing! I'm hoping I don't regret it either but I know my dd will have fun!

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Luckily my 14-yr-old would like to see it, too, so she can go with the 11-yr-old.

We did try to get tickets the moment they were on sale here for her Jan. 14th concert, but never got through a busy signal on two phone lines AND the internet (for which I was grateful - do not tell the girls! No desire to drive into Chicago for a concert in Monday rushhour!)

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But when I saw the tickets were $15 each, I told them they had to pay for their own tickets. My 12yo told me yesterday that she doesn't really need to go see it. I just think it's a horrible shame that they are charging 3x what it would normally cost us to go see a matinee. Sure it's cheaper than a concert, but you can watch her sing on a screen at home.

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Dd has asked to go, and I was planning to take her until yesterday when I saw that price. But the ladies here make a good point about it being much cheaper than the concert, which we also tried to get tickets for.


Now that I've typed that out, it seems silly not to pay $15 for the movie when I was willing to spend $$$ for the concert.


We'll probably try to attend. It is in theaters for just a week, right?

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He got tickets a few weeks back and almost choked when they charged $15 a ticket! BUT, anybody remember the Thriller movie from way back when? That short little flick was twice as much as a regular movie, too! Anyway, dh is going to take dd tomorrow night (he hasn't told her he has tickets) and go to the ticket window and ask for tickets. THey will tell him they are sold out (b/c they are!) and then just as dd's face begins to fall, he'll whip out his tickets and say, "Good thing I planned ahead!". See, dd doesn't think dh can pull it off! Anyway, I agree that it is soooo much less than REAL concert tickets. We looked at those...$2000 a seat for primo seats! I wanted to sit in the seat for a few hours, not BUY THE SEAT! LOL!

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