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WP Animals VS Sonlight or MFW? Need to decide soon!


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I know this has been discussed before, but I'm struggling here! I am really torn between these 3 curriculums, and what I'm mostly unsure of is the phonics/LA portion. My dd loves animals and nature, and doing crafts, which is why the WP Animals appeals to me, but I don't know anything about their phonics, and she really needs to work on that this year. She started last year but we were very relaxed with it, didn't do it every day, etc.. But I love reading and want her to love it too, so I want to make sure I pick the right program. I've also heard such good things about MFW, but I've seen the 1st grade and am not sure about the phonics.


Any feedback is much appreciated.

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You can use any phonics program you want to with WP, but I have heard rave reviews on their phonics. I am really on the fence about whether to leave something I know works really well to do WP's, but I think I may do it... realizing I can always backtrack and do the other program cheaply if I decide to. WP relies strongly on Explode the Code, which is a very reputable phonics workbook series.


My vote is in favor of Animals and Their Worlds, or even I'm Ready to Learn. We had a great year with WP for first grade and we're loving the first week of second grade so far. (Plus my K4 student is VERY happy with IRTL).

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We love Sonlight, but we don't use thier language arts for phonics. I used HOP and it worked fine. Any of those three programs would be fine, they are all good. Pick the one that speaks to you and add phonics if you need to. Hope that helps!

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MFW's 1st grade phonics has the reputation of moving very fast (I've only seen the samples, but this is a very frequent comment on these boards). WP's 1st grade readers are a bit harder than SL's regular 2nd grade readers and it covers the phonics material that SL covers in 2nd grade. The Advanced K is more of a traditional 1st grade. SL's 1st grade is on grade level compared with Calvert, LLATL and Pathway readers.


I've used some of SL's first grade readers and ETC 1-3 this year and we really enjoyed them. I couldn't do the whole program because ds's fine motor skills are about a year behind so the copywork and dictation were just too much. The real books included in the program are a lot of fun for beginning readers.

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I say go for WP AW. It just looks like so much fun. I'm going to use it for my k4,k5, & 1st for the fall. I think that they're really going to enjoy it. I don't plan to use their LA. I will use OPG & ETC for LA.


From what I've seen, SL doesn't have all the hands on crafty type stuff that WP does. My dc really like to do hands on type activities. I haven't seen MFW so I can't really comment on it.

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I've used SL for nearly eight years, but I've never incorporated their phonics/LA. I use Reading Made Easy to teach reading, after which my guys use the SL readers. The lack of hands-on activities is one thing I love about SL, but if your daughter loves crafts, WP would likely be your better choice.

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