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My stepdaughter is graduating highschool, and I want to make her party special.

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Any ideas, links, or tips for graduation parties? My dsd is graduating and turning 18 right around the same time, so we're throwing her a big party.


I'd like some sort of 'memory' thing for her. Like something where the party guests can write a well wish, or thought, or bit of wisdom or whatever. Something more than an autograph dog, lol, but I'm not sure what.


She's our oldest, so I've never done this before, and I just want to make it nice. So anyone who's btdt and has some ideas, help me out! :D

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… I'd like some sort of 'memory' thing for her. Like something where the party guests can write a well wish, or thought, or bit of wisdom or whatever. Something more than an autograph dog, lol, but I'm not sure what. …


Something I've seen for written wishes, is to pick out a nice photo, then get a pretty large framing mat for it, and let the guests sign the mat.


Congratulations and best wishes.

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I made a huge collage of pictures of my step dd when she graduated. It took a long time but was so worth it. Because I didn't have access to any pictures her mother had with her other siblings I did not include my own children in the pictures, I made it all with pictures just of her. She loved it.


As far as a special thing from the event I do think whatever you do will be well received. She will probably love what you choose to do.

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I made a huge collage of pictures of my step dd when she graduated. It took a long time but was so worth it. Because I didn't have access to any pictures her mother had with her other siblings I did not include my own children in the pictures, I made it all with pictures just of her. She loved it.


As far as a special thing from the event I do think whatever you do will be well received. She will probably love what you choose to do.


I did something like this when dd33 turned 16. I repeated the theme from her first birthday party as well -- BIG BIRD! I had photos of all the much older now cousins and friends wearing kermit the frog hats, and I found a bakery to copy the big bird cake from the first birthday party and it was a hoot. She loved it.:D

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I'm repeating what pp's hav mentioned, but my dd loved her grad photo framed with a large mat. Friends and family signed it with an acid-free black pen, and it's such a keepsake. Also, we burned a cd full of pictures from newborn to right before graduation and kept it running throughout her party. Everyone enjoyed it and now she has a wonderful pictorial compilation of her first eighteen years of life. She graduated last year, and these two things are what she still mentions most often when the subject comes up.

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We did the photo in a large mat and had everyone that dropped by the open house sign it.


I also created an "I love me" table. (that's what my dh calls it) :lol: I set out items representing some of her accomplishments (ribbons and plates from horse shows, certificates and pins from Mock Trial/Teen Court, displays of her hand made jewelry with the ribbons they won at the county fair) This gave casual friends and the neighbors something to discuss with her. I also set out the course catalog and some brochures from the college she has chosen.

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In a totally different vein, how about a candy buffet to go along with everything else.


I will try to find photos of the one that I did. It was for a friend's 25th wedding anniversary - and it was gorgeous. Everyone loved it.


You can also google images for 'candy buffet' and there will be great ideas.


I went to a thrift store and spent $32. on probably 20 different shapes and sizes of glass/crystal containers, i bought netting at a party store, silk flower petals and anything else that I thought would look fabulous.


I bought little drawstring bags at Michael's and little silver colored take out food boxes so guests could help themselves andbring candy home.





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We had a large matted pic and a small journal for people to write in/on. The pic has mostly good luck and names. He has some very nice journal entries.


We sat out pics, scrapbooks, trophies, diploma, etc. I wish we'd done his pic on the cake. He said, without was fine. After seeing other's pics on their cakes I wished we'd done his, they're pretty cool.


Easy food as people come and go, the candy bar is a huge hit. Little keepsakes on the table are nice too.


Make sure to take lots of pics. If you can put someone else in charge of it, that will help you. You'll be busy playing hostess.


I scrapbooked his cards and made him a photobook of senior year memories. They're just on a shelf right now, but he'll tell you he appreciates having them.

Edited by raceNzanesmom
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