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no 'poo mamas...

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Apple cider vinegar is actually rather conditioning. It can make your hair feel very heavy.


It depends on what hair type you have, how you'd approach. I have curly hair, used a baking soda paste to cleanse, a little acv in warm water rinse, then a cooled herbal "tea" final rinse. I would them scrunch my wet hair with some coconut oil to keep the curls from frizzing. No other product, though.

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I use baking soda to wash─it gets my hair clean─no greasy feeling. ACV, diluted, to rinse.


:iagree: That's what I do, and I have wavy hair. It really depends on hair type. But the baking soda should definitely leave your hair feeling clean, assuming you get it all rinsed out. Then the acv acts like a conditioner.

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I just use Trader Joe's conditioner and Deva Curl Gel. No shampoo for years. I have dry hair though. Have you been poo free for long? The initial adjustment phase is a little maddening.


:iagree: with the bolded! I've only been no-poo for about 8 weeks.

It's very frustrating in the beginning. I've been 'washing' with Moroccan Oil Conditioner (not the oil, but a conditioner) every 3 days or so. A couple of times in the beginning I washed my hair with shampoo in desperation with the greasiness. This just took me back to the beginning! I finally got in the groove, and this seems to work ok for me. I am thinking lately, though, of going with the baking soda & ACV.

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so, i've been doing the no 'poo thing for about 6 weeks...shouldn't that be long enough for the initial adjustment phase??


i have incredibly thick, wavy hair and it even gets curly ringlets when i use gel and it looks nice...when i don't use anything, it just sits there on my shoulders. it doesn't curl and it's pretty frizzy, just blah....


i just hate using the organic stuff when it doesn't take off all the oil residue. i shampoo every 3-4 days...and use conditioner sometimes afterwards..


is that enough info? i'll try baking soda and the vinegar rinse afterwards...i've also started using apple cider vinegar under the arm pits and you don't even need deodorant afterwards. it's amazing..



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so, i've been doing the no 'poo thing for about 6 weeks...shouldn't that be long enough for the initial adjustment phase??


i have incredibly thick, wavy hair and it even gets curly ringlets when i use gel and it looks nice...when i don't use anything, it just sits there on my shoulders. it doesn't curl and it's pretty frizzy, just blah....


i just hate using the organic stuff when it doesn't take off all the oil residue. i shampoo every 3-4 days...and use conditioner sometimes afterwards..


is that enough info? i'll try baking soda and the vinegar rinse afterwards...i've also started using apple cider vinegar under the arm pits and you don't even need deodorant afterwards. it's amazing..




I'm not sure I understand you - if you use shampoo, even organic, I wouldn't be calling it no-poo. So I think your problem is possibly your shampoo.

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I had to eliminate shampoo entirely and condition daily to get the results I wanted. Also, just because something is organic doesn't make it optimal for curly hair, so you might want to mention brands and our advice would be more useful. Putting shampoo on your hair every week may just negate the effects of the days you skipped it KWIM.


I love the deva curl products, but they are pricey. They DO have a non-shampoo cleansing cream that doesn't suds up and is meant to be followed by conditioner. Have you read Curly Girl? I don't use shampoo (poo free or not) but half my shower time is spent getting the conditioner worked through my hair and scalp.

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I'm not sure I understand you - if you use shampoo, even organic, I wouldn't be calling it no-poo. So I think your problem is possibly your shampoo.


yes, in my original post, i said that i use an organic shampoo....there is definitely an adjustment phase though because it's all natural stuff and it doesn't seem to wash off the oils...that's the problem! :001_smile: but i don't want to go back to the conventional shampoos so i will try the baking soda today and acv rinse...


i figured the no 'poo gals would be able to help me, hence the title.



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yes, in my original post, i said that i use an organic shampoo....there is definitely an adjustment phase though because it's all natural stuff and it doesn't seem to wash off the oils...that's the problem! :001_smile: but i don't want to go back to the conventional shampoos so i will try the baking soda today and acv rinse...


i figured the no 'poo gals would be able to help me, hence the title.




Oh, yes....sorry....I forgot or it didn't see that you had mentioned that tou used shampoo. I think you might be better giving it up, and dealing with the transitional stage for real. It WILL get better! Well, mine has anyway. I'm still playing around with what works best...hence me trying the baking soda/ACV combo next!

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