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Field Trip Friday, anyone?

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We went to a re-enactment of the Civil War today.


Civil War on my blog. We made a commitment to spend the month of May doing

as many field trips as we can and so far, we are having a lot of fun!


Would love comments and followers!


Anyone go on any field trips today? :001_smile:

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We went to a re-enactment of the Civil War today.


Civil War on my blog. We made a commitment to spend the month of May doing

as many field trips as we can and so far, we are having a lot of fun!


Would love comments and followers!


Anyone go on any field trips today? :001_smile:


That looks like a ton of fun! I showed my DH (who is a Civil War buff) and he said, "I wanna go!" lol


I'm a new follower. :)

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Cool! Seems like the kids liked it! Can't wait to see part 2.


We are going to a War of 1812 reenactment next weekend at Fort Meigs. I think the boys will enjoy it.


Oh, that will be a lot of fun too! What a great way to learn about History.


Today we didn't go on a field trip, per se, but we had lunch out, followed by ice cream, and a stroll along a river with a waterfall. It was a gorgeous day.


That sounds like a peaceful day. There were so many kids at the Civil War event, it was a little overwhelming but also very organized.


We didn't go on one today, but we went on one on Wednesday. We went to the NC Arboretum:



That looks like a ton of fun! I showed my DH (who is a Civil War buff) and he said, "I wanna go!" lol


I'm a new follower. :)


The weekend show is suppose to be more impressive - I will post more pictures later. Love the field trip, what fun! That flower is gorgeous!

And, followed you back. Your blog looks great, I will have to come back and read more.


So your DH is a Civil War buff - I hope I got all my information right on the blog post. I was trying hard to remember everything but it wouldn't surprise me if I mixed something up.




Our homeschool group went to see DisneyNature's Chimpanzee movie today.


I really want to see that movie. Did you like it?

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We had a nature feildtrip today.


The 3 youngest and I headed down the Greenway to a perfect creek spot with lots of fish, crawdads, bugs, shells and a couple of herons. We looked them up in our guide, did some sketches and then played in the water before heading into the new conservation area adjacent to the greenway. We inspected and identified different plants while we walked, had a little picnic, got caught in a sudden and quick rain shower, which the dc thought was "sooooo fun", then on our way back to the van stopped and watched some workers pouring and smoothing cement and assembling the slides at the new playground site. Before we headed home we stopped and got $1 hot fudge sundaes at McD's as a treat.


It was a really great day made better by the fact that it cost me less than $5! I love free or cheap field trips.:D

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A Civil War reenactment is on my list of things to do.



We didn't go on a field trip today but I did take my son to his 2nd astronomy club meeting 40 minutes away. He loves the group and goes right up to the other kids, regardless of their age, and starts conversations. (He doesn't normally start conversations.) Tonight's topic was "Optics: Playing with Light". They discussed the different kinds of telescopes, how they work, and the pros and cons of each. They got down on the floor and bounced a laser pointer off of a set of four mirrors as an illustration. He had a good time. We'll be going on a four night star party camping trip with this group in July, and he can't wait.

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We actually did a field trip today! My mom's club got a tour of our local post office with our preschoolers. Mine most interested in holding every other child's hand in turn, protesting when they let go, and repeatedly trying to climb into a mail truck that was being loaded.


The moms and older kids learned some interesting facts, though. DS was very interested in the sorting stations w/all the address numbers. I do worry that his major takeaway will be to try to go behind the counter next time we need to mail a package, though!:lol:


One of the postal workers showed us the keys to the "signature required" mail cage and the dog pepper spray that the mail carriers take with them. All the moms (and my little sympathetic laugher) just about busted a gut at his corny joke. This middle-aged Hispanic man told us with a straight face, affected strong accent, and perfect timing, "It works great on all the dogs except for the chihuahuas--they like spicy!"

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Yes, we did go on a field trip, thanks for asking:)We went to Landis Valley, a village and farm museum in Lancaster, PA. It exhibits Pennsylvania German culture and heritage from 1740-1940.


It was just a gorgeous day. I warned the boys ahead of time that there would probably be a lot of school kids because it is, after all, field trip season. And I was correct. We learned to just stand back and let them run through, yelling and laughing and generally carrying on, and then we could go through at our own pace and actually listen, read and learn something. I'm at a loss as to what these kids actually get from a field trip other than a "free day" off of school.


Anyway, my dh drove us there, did some business and came back to meet us for a lunch I had packed and ice cream from the general store:)

We had a nice day and only three more school days to go.

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No field trip for us yesterday. We took the day off school, though, so DS could perform (music) for DH's company party.


Our last field trip was the week prior, when we went to a physics exhibit at a local aviation history museum. It enabled me to scratch off a dozen experiments we were suppose to do for our physics program. :001_smile:

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