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Creative Moms, what to do with Colored Sand?


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I am sitting on about a dozen big containers of different colors of sand from a Bday Party. It was for the little containers you fill up and layer. Nothing like moon sand etc. Only it began to pour and only a couple of kids used it.


I would like to do something artsy with it and the kids. Ideas? They are not into the whole layer deal now. :glare:

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I'm not creative at all in an artsy kinda way. My mom had glass vases and things with interesting shapes that were filled with layers of colored sand back in the 70's, but apart from going that route, something I've always wanted to do with my kids, was to coat a box with grout or some kind of liquid cement and have the kids decorate it with sea shells and colored sand and stuff. I haven't done it (yet), but I always thought that might be a fun project for a box that is just plain to jazz it up some. I guess if you're just doing sand you could always use just a spray adhesive or a coat of paint that will keep the sand in place when it dries.


I look forward to reading the responses you get. There are a lot of super creative moms here. :)

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It depends on how old your kids are. For PK/K, you could spread Elmer's glue thinly on shapes, letters, numbers, etc. for a kinesthetic piece. For olders, I think I would do a mosaic of sorts with the different colors. Start with a piece of cardboard (not corrugated), spread glue thinly and do it freestyle or have them draw something first (maybe while looking an artists work like Picasso, Monet, etc.) and then fill in the different areas with sand. You could mix them together too for a different color.


That's all I can think of now. :001_smile:

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For PK/K, you could spread Elmer's glue thinly on shapes, letters, numbers, etc. for a kinesthetic piece. For olders, I think I would do a mosaic of sorts with the different colors. Start with a piece of cardboard (not corrugated), spread glue thinly and do it freestyle or have them draw something first (maybe while looking an artists work like Picasso, Monet, etc.) and then fill in the different areas with sand. You could mix them together too for a different color.



:iagree: I was going to post this exact same suggestion.

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