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How necessary are these subjects?

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My oldest will start first grade in July. We will be using AO for lit., FLL and Abeka's handbook for reading, phonics and L.A., SOTW for history, Singapore math, and we are following the WTM suggestions for science.


This feels like enough. In fact, with 2 preschoolers in tow, this feels like a lot. So do I have to add a penmenship program? We have the penmenship practice boards (white board). My plan was to just have her practice a lettter each day, and write her copywork with her best handwriting. Do I need more than this?


Do I need a spelling program. We are still working on her reading skills. Adding the additional writing, work and frustration of a spelling list seems like it will just take away from the more important things we are working on (reading and math).


So should I buckle down and take on a formal penmanship and spelling program, or can these wait a year until I'm a bit less overwhelmed?


Thanks for sharing your insight,


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I don't think a formal penmanship program is necessary as long as you are constantly watching for proper formation, sizing and spacing.


I didn't add in spelling until my oldest was reading fluently, and I believe WTM agrees. The neat thing about AAS is that it reinforces phonics in her spelling work.


ETA: Take all that with a grain of salt, though. My oldest is also a rising first grader. (If it helps, I am planning on using FLL, WWE, and AAS for LA with assigned reading. For math, we will continue with a MEP/Miquon/SM approach. We will also be doing SOTW for history and RSO Life for science. It does feel like a lot with a tagalong k'er and two littles. :eek:)

Edited by blondeviolin
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Spelling can definitely wait. If letter formation is good and all you need to see is refinement, you can skip penmanship (which really just means it will be covered through other subjects). I would do formal lessons if your child does not have formation down pat. Habits are hard to break and you don't want to start bad ones if you can avoid it.

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My oldest was a good writer (letter forming-wise) as a 5 and 6 yr old and also a very good speller.


I did neither a formal handwriting program or spelling program with her in 1st. I would help her with her spelling in her other writing (letters, narrations, stories, and sentences from her L.A. program) and we did copywork. I showed her any letters she was having trouble with and had her practice when necessary.


For her 2nd grade year I did add a handwriting program, but that was because it was time to learn cursive. I found having the sheets nice, because it was less work on me. I could just hand her the sheets and let her go at 'em.


We still didn't do a formal spelling program. If I noticed her spelling a word wrong I had her write it a few times and make up sentences with it. Then I would quiz her on them once in awhile. She was by all counts a very natural speller. She started a 4th grade spelling program for 3rd and did fine with it on her own.


My youngest is not a natural speller or writer. I did get her a formal handwriting program. She needed the daily practice, and I didn't want to make copywork for her every day. The program provided that. I still didn't buy her a specific spelling program. I gave her spelling tiles and had her spell words using the phonics rules from her phonics work daily. I also gave her dictation using the words daily.


So I say do what works. When I needed to work more intensely one on one with my youngest, it was time for me to get older a spelling workbook so that I could feel like it was getting covered. I don't need a formal program when I have the time to work intensely one on one.

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So should I buckle down and take on a formal penmanship and spelling program' date=' or can these wait a year until I'm a bit less overwhelmed?



We are just starting 1st grd now. We do not have a formal penmanship program (just plan on doing something similar to your plans), and I will be holding off on spelling (AAS) until we finish AAR1.


We are doing Science and Geography this year, but in a very laid-back manner (WTM science recs and basic map skills).

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I don't add spelling until the child is ready for it to replace their phonics instruction.


For a child that already knows how to write the letters correctly, I find WTM style copywork (with or without WWE) to be more than sufficient. I remind them to do their best and prettiest writing on that assignment, and I will erase messy letters for them to redo.

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We started spelling after we finished OPGTR, and we did HWT until we started WWE. I just use those sentences and his spelling words/sentences for handwriting now.


Sounds like you had already worked it out anyway. Hope you found an answer that works for you.

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