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Teacher's Lounge 5-10-2012

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What are you noshing on today?


Today is a good one.


Gluten free pancakes with marscarpone and fresh huckleberry syrup. Coffee for me and cranberry/raspberry for the kids.


Lunch is annie's mac and cheese and hebrew national hotdogs for the kids, dinner leftovers for me (chicken and rice)


Dinner, not sure yet. Any quick and easy gluten free ideas?

What are you doing today?


Watching my friends kids, music lessons, and library day.


Do you know the names of your neighbors?


Yes, and 4 out of 5 are great!

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Good morning (or afternoon as the case may be)!


What are you noshing on today?

HCG approved foods

What are you doing today?

Pulling my hair out over my son and his muttering, can I buy duct tape?

Do you know the names of your neighbors?


My M-I-L is next door and the Kosts live on the other side.

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Hi Jean and all the other ladies (and men) on the board!


What are you noshing on today?

Breakfast was granola and milk for all of us.


Lunch was black bean, cheese, guac and salsa burritos for ds#1 and me. Ds#2 had ham and cheese roll-ups, guacamole, and cherry tomatoes.


No idea what we're having for dinner. It's Teacher Appreciation Day... I think I should receive some recognition :tongue_smilie:


What are you doing today?

We are meeting 2 other homeschool families at the park in about an hour for a playdate.


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

I know the names of 6 out of 7 on our cul-de-sac. I'm close to the ones directly next door to me on either side. We wave hi and chat a bit with the others if they are outside. Recently, a new family moved into the first house in the entrance of the cds, and they have not been friendly at all. Their kids are also obnoxious.

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Good morning (or afternoon as the case may be)!


What are you noshing on today? Ham sammy with potato salad


What are you doing today? Finishing up the Scarlet Letter and working through our classes.


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

Yes...on each side of me. They are great people.

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What are you noshing on today?


Chili Cheese Fries

I don't know what else


What are you doing today?

School - math, Latin, CW Maxim, making the grocery list and menu


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

Yes. I only have neighbors on one side. Among other things we go to Zumba together. Dh's work for the same place.

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What are you noshing on today?

Leftover Persian rice and chicken from last night. Yum.


What are you doing today?

Spending way too much time on this board. Even being naughty and visiting the General Forum from which I typically refrain or fear to tread- take your pick.


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

No, but I do know:

The people on one side are from Brazil

On the other side the dh is disabled and their grandson is homeschooled

The anal old man across the street will pull out scissors and "trim" anything not perfect including his grass. :glare: I feel sorry for his wife.



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What are you noshing on today?

Breakfast - 4 oz. green smoothie, two eggs, 1 everything bagel thin, p.b., water

Lunch -a salad with protein

Dinner - no clue but I've recently figured out that I can only handle 15 g. of carbs at dinner time.


What are you doing today? Usual cleaning/laundry/school. Also I need to mow another section of my back yard. My back yard isn't huge but I let the grass get over a foot tall and it is very hard going.


Do you know the names of your neighbors? Yes. We are closer friends with some more than others but I know the names of all of them.

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What are you noshing on today?

Hmm, maybe that is what I forgot to do today--eat! The kids had cereal and fruit for breakfast. For lunch, they had sandwiches and watermelon, kiwi, and cantaloupe. I think I'll go have some celery with all-natural peanut butter for lunch. The kids will have pork sandwiches for dinner before soccer. DH and I will have chicken & steak kabobs with rice and broccoli for dinner (after soccer practice).


What are you doing today?

School, watching two extra kids, chores, laundry, driving dd14 to and from dance classes, taking dd8 and ds to soccer practice,organizing my calendar


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

I know about half the neighbors on our street.

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What are you noshing on today?

Made the kids a big breakfast of French toast, bacon (a treat), fruit with Greek Yogurt. Lunch - turkey sandwiches. Dinner - dh and I are going to the retirement party of one of his coworkers at a very fancy restaurant. Should be fun!

What are you doing today?

Kids are taking part of the IOWA Basic Skills test today which is why I am here. Pulling together items for a cast party tomorrow. Dd was in "Music Man" this past week and the kids did an awesome job.


Do you know the names of your neighbors?

We live on an older street with large lots. There are 12 houses and I know every neighbor. We have a locally famous chef, a veterinarian, a retired pilot, a rocket scientist (really), three building contractors, retired IBMers, and a ps teacher on the street. Last Sunday afternoon, my neighbor across the street had a 79th birthday party for one of our other neighbors. Almost everyone on the street was able to make it. There was a massive amount of food and about 20 kids were playing "Kick the Can" using a least three different yards. Life is good here.:001_smile:


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