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Why do movies have to be so loud?

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Tonight was the first time we tried to take ds to a PG-13 movie in the theater. He's been able to handle the sound in kids movies for a few years now for the most part. He will occasionally cover his ears if it is especially loud. We made it through 5 minutes of the movie. It was even uncomfortably loud for dh and I, so ds was on the verge of a breakdown. He was actually shaking when we left. He was so upset on the way home that he couldn't see the movie that I wish we didn't even try. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have any sensory-friendly showings of The Avengers coming up. They only seem to do that with G and PG movies. I guess we will have to wait for the DVD.

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I saw hunger games this weekend and I plugged my ears with tissue to make it tolerable--wish I'd had ear plugs!


I even dislike the loud music in church.


Tell ds I'm right there with him!!! I get all jumpy and I cannot enjoy the movie, it is just too much for me.

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My mom recently took my dd7 to see a movie, and they didn't make it past the opening scenes because of the noise. And I wouldn't describe her as a child with sensory issues.


I don't know why they play them that loud - it really isn't nice for anyone.

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I think they would work well for him. He is used to wearing headphones to listen to music, so they should be comfortable for him. (I think we will try black instead of pink.:D) Thanks for the link!




Have you tried earmuffs designed for shooting guns? DD5 has these (in pink :0) ) and really likes them. She uses them for many things that too loud for her. Fireworks, vacuming, storms etc. You can hear through them, but the reduce the loudest noises to bearable. The padding is very soft and comfortable.
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