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Animal Classification charts- share?


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We're doing an animal study (Easy Classical Animals) that includes a classification chart that I don't feel will work well with my young kids- ages 5.5 and 6.5. Has anyone had any luck making their own with pictures? I am actually blessed with a lot of wall space (and a patient husband) so I wouldn't be opposed to something super big. Although I'm also hoping to put up a history time-line, so maybe not the WHOLE wall. =)


If anyone has any pictures of theirs, or templates to share, I'd really appreciate any ideas.

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We are getting ready to start our animal classification unit. Some of the ideas I plan to use with our curriculum are the following:



http://guesthollow.com/homeschool/printables/printables_science.html You can find pics of vertebrates and invertebrates here.

http://montessorimaterials.org/science.htm You can find photos & lessons for animal classification, etc.


http://sheppardsoftware.com has an on-line animal classification game(scroll down to the Classification Game).

http://junglewalk.com Click on lesson plans and you will find pics, videos, lessons.


We also will use the book Benny's Animals and How He Put Them In Order by Selsam.


Hope you find something to use. BTW, I know that I was looking at an animal classification poster on ebay that was only a few dollars. If you decide that you don't want to make your own and just want one chart, something like that may work for you.

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I'll be doing this next year with my 2nd grader. I generally have the child make a small mini-book for each animal. In prior years I have made a wall chart where I had the phyla names going across the top and attached strings that hung down. Ds then clipped his book under the appropriate phylum.


I was just looking at this today, and saw this idea which I also like:




Not big enough to cover a wall as she does it, but obviously could be modified. I liked having a wall chart, but I also like the idea of cards that dd could shuffle around and play with, kwim? Hmm, I might do both!


I think I have a photo of our first wall chart, I'll see if I can find it..

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We are getting ready to start our animal classification unit. Some of the ideas I plan to use with our curriculum are the following:



http://guesthollow.com/homeschool/printables/printables_science.html You can find pics of vertebrates and invertebrates here.

http://montessorimaterials.org/science.htm You can find photos & lessons for animal classification, etc.


http://sheppardsoftware.com has an on-line animal classification game(scroll down to the Classification Game).

http://junglewalk.com Click on lesson plans and you will find pics, videos, lessons.


We also will use the book Benny's Animals and How He Put Them In Order by Selsam.


Hope you find something to use. BTW, I know that I was looking at an animal classification poster on ebay that was only a few dollars. If you decide that you don't want to make your own and just want one chart, something like that may work for you.

wow. that's a cool resource..

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I used a very big poster board and drew lines for rows and columns. Across the top I wrote Vertabrates/Invertabrates and then a column for each class of animal under those 2 main headings. Then we picked about 2 animals from each group and as we study the particular animal my dd had to decide where on the chart the animal would go and we pasted a picture under the correct column heading. I printed the pictures off the internet using Google. I made extra rows so that we can add to the chart as we do more animals. I also printed small disks with the picture of the animal and those we attached to a world map to show where that animal lives.

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I just finished putting together a Microsoft document that has labels and pictures to accompany the Burgess Book of Animals. Although we read the book last fall, we are discussing speciation in Science right now so I printed it and we've started putting it together. The scope is limited (mammals of North America - although now that I think about it Mother Nature never taught about people), but I would be happy to share it if it suits you. It is mostly an assimilation of preexisting web resources. It occurred to me this morning that I ought to cut out a bunch of construction paper leaves to mount the pictures on, so that might slow down assembly. :D

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Subscribing, as we're doing animal classification this upcoming year for science.


I found these cards for practicing animal classification. This site has a lot of good stuff!




We will be doing a classification unit with Prairie Primer in a future unit. These cards will be great to play games!

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