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Just got the news!

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Guess what? I am going to be a grandma! Our grown DS and his girlfriend (now fiancée) are expecting in November. Not exactly what they had planned and the circumstances are not ideal, but she is a sweet girl and they are very much in love. At age 30, he is certainly old enough to handle this responsibly and will be a loving husband and father. We are excited about the baby and are praying they get all the details of life worked out between now and November.


A grandma at 44...wow! Can't say I am really surprised, having an adult stepson and all, but wow...my kids at home are still squirts! They are so excited! Life changes so fast. :D


We'd appreciate any prayers for the baby and new family!

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A new life is always to be celebrated! Congratulations!


FWIW, I am a bit jealous. There are lots of new babies at my church, and grammas my age. I'm too old to have another myself, and my kids have a few years before they're of age. Guess I need to sign up for nursery duty.

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Guess what? I am going to be a grandma! Our grown DS and his girlfriend (now fiancée) are expecting in November. Not exactly what they had planned and the circumstances are not ideal, but she is a sweet girl and they are very much in love. At age 30, he is certainly old enough to handle this responsibly and will be a loving husband and father. We are excited about the baby and are praying they get all the details of life worked out between now and November.


A grandma at 44...wow! Can't say I am really surprised, having an adult stepson and all, but wow...my kids at home are still squirts! They are so excited! Life changes so fast. :D


We'd appreciate any prayers for the baby and new family!


Whoa- before you mentioned he was your stepson, I did the math and thought you had him at 14.


How very exciting! Have fun being a grandma! Will you have a special granny name- Memaw, Grammy, She-who-looks-far-too-young-to-even-have-a-baby,-let-alone-a-grandchild? (I'm going with the last one, since you're only one year older than I am.) :coolgleamA:

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Congratulations! I applaud you for celebrating their news---every child is a blessing, even under less than desirable circumstances! Your acceptance and excitement will be a blessing to your son and future daughter in law as they start new lives together!

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Whoa- before you mentioned he was your stepson, I did the math and thought you had him at 14.


Yeah, we have a lot of fun with that one! Often, I just leave out the stepson part, since I really see him as my son, and watch the funny looks I get! I look a bit younger than 44 (not by much, just am short and have a baby face!), so I really can freak people out. Another funny one I didn't expect...when I say I am going to be a grandma, people are assuming it is my 12 year old's baby! That is so outlandish in her case that even she thinks it is hysterical! People are funny.


Thanks to everyone for the congrats! We LOVE babies and are so excited to have another one around! Thankfully, with so many small people still in our house, we have a ton of baby equipment to give them. Time to start loading a UHaul!

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Congrats. I am sooo happy for you. You will love having a grandchild... no matter your age:)


My daughter is 24 and I am 42. I had her at age 18.

she had a baby in september. It felt really strange while she was pregnant think I was going to be a grandparent.

Keep in mind I have a 2 year old. Lilly is 2 years older than her nephew :)


However, that little baby Boy is Amazing. I thank God every day that we get to enjoy him as much as we do.

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Congrats. I am sooo happy for you. You will love having a grandchild... no matter your age:)


My daughter is 24 and I am 42. I had her at age 18.

she had a baby in september. It felt really strange while she was pregnant think I was going to be a grandparent.

Keep in mind I have a 2 year old. Lilly is 2 years older than her nephew :)


However, that little baby Boy is Amazing. I thank God every day that we get to enjoy him as much as we do.


Yes I am thinking it is going to be a lot of fun to have a grandchild while I am still young enough to be super-active with him! All the fun, then send him home to Momma...a welcome relief when I have four special needs kids of my own!


Yeah for grandkids!!



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