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So frustrated- careless mistakes

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OK, I *know* my dd (ADHD, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, apraxia) is going to make careless mistakes and a result of her issues, but what do I DO about it??? I get so frustrated with her! She'll miss half a math lesson, I circle all her incorrect answers, then she goes back and fixes them. She always knows how to do them, but will frequently write down the wrong number (she says one number, writes a different number) or forget to finish a problem.

Math is taking forevvvvvver because of this.

Do I:

1. Sit right next to her as she works and have her correct as she goes.

2. Not have her make corrections.

3. Keep doing what I'm doing and try not to yell. :crying:


What do you do?? I want to be understanding, but I also want her to learn and grow. It seems like things don't get better unless I really get after her and come down hard, but I HATE doing that and need another option!!!


Please help.

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Honestly, when my dd was that age I was doing math at her elbow. Now (7th gr) I'm doing math 2 feet away. Sorry, but that's all I can suggest. It sounds like she's having some issues with her brain and hands connecting. You might work on that separately from the math to see if you can get that easier. She might need to go back through number formation, saying the numbers as she forms them. With a dc that age I would do it in a lot of modalities or weave it into some game. I actually just went back through number formation with my dd, because they were becoming illegible again. So you have legibility and you have the issue of getting the motor control to connect to the concept in the brain (praxis).

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Thank you all.


It makes me feel better to hear you because I can *allow* myself to give her what she needs- one on one- without feeling like I am lowering my expectations too low.


She's come so far and we are still working on a lot of motor and vision issues, so I think I'll give her the support instead of insisting she is magically capable and independent.


It's hard not to compare where she should be when I have twins. :(


Ugh. Just a rough day today. Thanks again!

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I want to second the graph paper! It's really helped both my dd's. (Older dd has auditory processing, younger dd has adhd.)


Also, I have to sit.right.there. with both of them also. Once I got a laptop, it made my life much better. My house...well let's just hope no one turns me in ;)

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Is she on meds at all? Honestly, that is what saved my sanity with my youngest dd. With the meds she could FOCUS and do her work, without them, it was hopeless and lots of careless errors, etc. due to her wandering focus.

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