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WHY would the men who rotated my tires

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have put my back window down?????


GRRRR!!!!!! I am SO mad right now. We had our tires rotated at Costco yesterday. They gave me a time of 1 hour and 30 minutes.....it was almost THREE HOURS by the time they were finished. All my food sat for over an hour outside in a cart. I did not have frozen foods, but still.


Then they came in and handed me two parts of my tires and said, "OH, this fell off, here ya go." After I get out to the car I see the back window in down.


IT IS BROKEN AND WON'T go up! I had to drive 20 miles home like that. I would have gone back in and complained but there were 5 people in line and my food was already going bad.


Just a VENT! We will not be using Costco for tires again.....we have not had a good experience. They don't take appointments, so it is luck of the draw and we do not live close enough to drive two cars and drop one off.

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Sorry you had such a bad experience. You should still complain about the window--it might be expensive to fix. Years ago we had to fix a window that wouldn't go up and it was not fun. And of course it always costs more than you'd expect.


We use Tire Discounters and at least at our local store dh (and even ds1) have had very good experiences.

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We've always had excellent experiences with Costco and tires. Very fast, and excellent work. It all depends on the people at your location I suppose.


Why they would put down the window, no idea. Was the window already broken or is it broken now after they put it down? And the parts they handed you... what was that about? They broke something and didn't fix it? Sounds like a weird experience overall. I'd be complaining up the chain.

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We have Costco tires currently on all 3 cars.


We have gone there for the price and the tire quality, but it has NEVER, EVER been fast. Min. 1 hour to rotate tires and then this time almost 3 hours.


There is always a line, even if you get there first thing in the am.


We will be going to a place that takes appointments from now on.




We've always had excellent experiences with Costco and tires. Very fast, and excellent work. It all depends on the people at your location I suppose.


Why they would put down the window, no idea. Was the window already broken or is it broken now after they put it down? And the parts they handed you... what was that about? They broke something and didn't fix it? Sounds like a weird experience overall. I'd be complaining up the chain.

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Costco has such an excellent and well-deserved reputation for its customer service. I am sure that you would get some sort of satisfaction or honest and valid attempts at resolution if you contact them. You may prefer to go through the website at a corporate level rather than the store manager. Your whole experience sounds like a nightmare.

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I agree that you should contact them and should have before you left. In your case, I wouldn't have even worried about getting back in the line. I would have walked up to the bay area and demanded to see the guys who worked on my vehicle...along with a supervisor.


We use Costco tires as well and our Costco DOES make appointments. They are *loose* times, but it has certainly cut the hourS down to about 1. If you have an appointment, you go to the front of the line over walk-ins...not over vehicles already in the bays.


Costco has great prices, great service and warranty. I would give them the chance to answer. However, on the parts, I wouldn't wait very long in case they can't remember.

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Pffft. I wouldn't even have take the two parts from them that 'fell off'. I'd have given them a look like they had three heads, then said, "I have no idea what those are, but could you go put them back on please? I don't know the first thing about tires; that's why I brought the car to YOU." <insert little chuckle that communicated that I thought they were being silly>


Seriously. That's what I would've done.


Now, the back window is different. I have no idea why they would've put it down, but (and I'm assuming here that it was already broken when you went in) that is an honest mistake. They had no way to know it wouldn't go back up.

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Well, they BROKE it! It couldn't go back on. We glued it on LAST TIME THEY BROKE IT!


It is the center part of the hub cap. They broke all 4. This time only 2 came off! :glare:


We will stick with Costco tire rotation for this round of tires but we will NOT use them again.




Pffft. I wouldn't even have take the two parts from them that 'fell off'. I'd have given them a look like they had three heads, then said, "I have no idea what those are, but could you go put them back on please? I don't know the first thing about tires; that's why I brought the car to YOU." <insert little chuckle that communicated that I thought they were being silly>


Seriously. That's what I would've done.


Now, the back window is different. I have no idea why they would've put it down, but (and I'm assuming here that it was already broken when you went in) that is an honest mistake. They had no way to know it wouldn't go back up.

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Well, my lettuce was wilting and my milk was warm....and my 3 kids were hot, tired and whiney.....honestly, I just didn't have it in me to wait another hour or more for them to fix the back window, which they might not have been able to fix anyway, as they are tire people.


Anyway, it wasn't done and is too late to worry about now.




I agree that you should contact them and should have before you left. In your case, I wouldn't have even worried about getting back in the line. I would have walked up to the bay area and demanded to see the guys who worked on my vehicle...along with a supervisor.


We use Costco tires as well and our Costco DOES make appointments. They are *loose* times, but it has certainly cut the hourS down to about 1. If you have an appointment, you go to the front of the line over walk-ins...not over vehicles already in the bays.


Costco has great prices, great service and warranty. I would give them the chance to answer. However, on the parts, I wouldn't wait very long in case they can't remember.

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Pffft. I wouldn't even have take the two parts from them that 'fell off'. I'd have given them a look like they had three heads, then said, "I have no idea what those are, but could you go put them back on please? I don't know the first thing about tires; that's why I brought the car to YOU." <insert little chuckle that communicated that I thought they were being silly>


:lol: That is great.


OP, I'm sorry about your car. The window was probably an honest mistake, but they still should have told you. I would definitely talk to Costco. I've always found them to have great customer service.

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We don't pay for tire rotation, only new tires. It is included in the price, so no money changed hands. They even fixed the leaking tire as it was included in the warrantee.


I maybe should have taken the time to deal with it, but I didn't. I was hot and tired and in no mood to be put on hold some more.


I am also headed to the beach today for a vacation.



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