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My dd13 is about to get on a plane all by herself, and I'm so nervous

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Ok, this sounded like a good idea at the time. She's going to visit my sister in GA and her family, and she is almost 14 (in August). She'll be okay, I know. She's a big girl.


She's gone off to camps and plenty of those type things, but this is the first time I've sent her off all by herself! Dh just called me from the airport, said they're all checked in and waiting (I checked her in online, and I didn't go w/dd9 because I didn't think we could all get gate passes, plus dd9 would get overly emotional). Dh & sis have gate passes to be able to go with her all the way through, but on the plane, she'll be by herself.


All alone. My baby! What if it crashes? What if it's hijacked? What if some weirdo talks to her? What if she goes in the bathroom and gets claustrophobic? What if she gets scared? What if she gets sick?




It's a one hour flight. She'll be okay. Right? Right? Am I crazy for sending her on a plane all by herself?

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My 12 y.o. flew from Georgia to Omaha round trip by herself last summer.

She was nervous, but really proud of herself for being trusted with such a 'grown-up' activity.


Focus on the positive: your dh is with her until she boards and your sis will be able to meet her as she deplanes, right?

The flight attendants will keep an eye on her, she can call them if anyone gives her the creeps.

It's gonna be alright :grouphug:

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Yup. She'll be fine. But, I'd be nervous if it were my child too, so I know what you mean.


I flew by myself from TX to Chicago when I was 12. It was the first time I flew and I did it alone. I was scared to death, but I had a GREAT time!


My sister just flew to Bangkok last week by herself. Now, she's 18, but she's alone!!! Oh - and there was a layover in Korea. She made it and she's having a wonderful time.

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She is going to be fine! And will have a wonderful time. I flew from GA to Cape Cod, MA when I was 13. I had to run across Logan Airport (construction had mess up my mom's neatly laid plans for me to walk two gates down to my connecting flight). Thankfully, one of those Hare Krishna dudes was nice enough to show me where I needed to go. I had to catch a small bus to the other side of the airport. I was terrified but exhilarated all at the same time. I was really growing-up! Good thing I took carry-on luggage! I made my flight and boarded the tiny prop plain that would take me from Boston to Hyannis. We flew low enough I could see cars and the coast the whole 20 min flight. Now that was really flying compared to the Delta flight from Atl.


She will do great! Hope she packed some sun screen!

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OK-I want to encourage you! She'll do great! My dd has flown since she was 5 and we've only had tremendously good experiences. Last year (13 yo) she did her first big flight Reno-LA-Atlanta. It went great and I have nothing but positives to say about Delta. She's doing the same again in July-same airlines. We've also been very satisfied with Southwest.

Take care,


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I did this when ds was 12 and flew Tucson to Milwaukee by himself. It's very secure. He got a food voucher and was escorted to where ever he wanted to go eat during his Atlanta layover. DH uncle met him at the gate in Milwaukee and all went well. Then the following week my 10 year old flew from tucson to ATL non stop and my sis and her dh met him at the gate. My mother freaked and called me constantly until I told her ds was safe in Milwaukee.

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She made it! She's there!


I think my sister was nervous, too! I could kind of hear it in her voice.


I kind of thought she could handle it, but obviously *I* have a long way to go!


Dd16 is flying to London next month (and then going all over Europe) but she'll be with a group. I hope I don't freak out all over again! The one that went to Atlanta tonight (dd13) just seems so much younger than her sister to me. She's not even the baby of the family, but she's a baby compared to her big sister (in my mind).


Thanks for all of you reassurance, and your stories. I guess I just never thought she'd be okay without me. She's growing up.

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