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Supplementing CLE 1 Math with...? Singapore? MM?


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I'm getting increasingly antsy about my math choice for this coming year. I'm about to start CLE 1 Math with my DD (nearly 6); we'll be starting this week/1st week of May.


I'm considering adding in another program with a different approach to math, to be done 1-2x a week.... what would you recommend?


  • Singapore's EP or IP
  • Singapore CWP
  • or Math Mammoth 1/blue books



I don't necessarily want a complete 2nd program with teacher guides and such. I like the idea & look of CLE, but I'm concerned that DD won't get the depth needed. (And I am not a math-y lady; literature/LA is my "thing.")


Am I worried over nothing? Should I proceed withOUT supplementation? Or maybe just SM CWP? Any advice from those that have combined CLE with something else? THANKS!

Edited by alisoncooks
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Just my opinion : if you want to build mathematical thinking/problem solving skills, I recommend to supplement CLE either with MM or Singapore. I supplemented CLE K-3 with Singapore HIG,Texts , workbooks and some CWP. I pick and choose from these. It really did not take long to do it. I put the timer and work on math for about 25-45 min/day , depending on grade. In K-1 I did some of the writing for my dc . CLE is mostly independent, I only teach SM. Both are excellent and complement each other.

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Well, I don't completely understand SM. What do you need to do the complete program (not extras)? Textbook + workbook + HIG + TM? Do you need all of that? Then there's EP + IP + CWP.....:001_unsure:


I went with CLE b/c I read it was solid and easy to teach. This coming year is our first "official" year homeschooling (we did K this year, but mostly did a lot of nothing...and planning for next year. :001_huh:)


Anyhow, I don't know that I can do both entire programs concurrently....but I'm interested in supplementing. I think. (I'm also considering working through CLE1 now and then picking up with Singapore and going on with just that...)

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I am about to finish our 1st grade year with CLE Math and I gotta say, I am very pleased! There are story problems for every lessons and the focus is on getting the facts down.


Since all of this is new to you, perhaps just do this year with CLE, and then over the summer or next year add in some other activities?


I think you have a great choice with CLE! No frills, but effective!

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Well, I don't completely understand SM. What do you need to do the complete program (not extras)? Textbook + workbook + HIG + TM? Do you need all of that? Then there's EP + IP + CWP.....:001_unsure:


I went with CLE b/c I read it was solid and easy to teach. This coming year is our first "official" year homeschooling (we did K this year, but mostly did a lot of nothing...and planning for next year. :001_huh:)


Anyhow, I don't know that I can do both entire programs concurrently....but I'm interested in supplementing. I think. (I'm also considering working through CLE1 now and then picking up with Singapore and going on with just that...)



For Singapore to be an effective program, you need at least HIG and the workbooks. The textbooks are useful. The CWP are just that: good word problems to make the kids think. If you go with CLE only, your dc will end the year with high computation skills ( i.e. adding three numbers, adding with regrouping, clock to the 5 min,etc) , yet low mathematical skills . You will probably have to start with Singapore 1A after finishing CLE 100.

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I think you have a great choice with CLE! No frills, but effective!

Which is what I was reading when I made my purchase. But now I'm concerned...


If you go with CLE only, your dc will end the year with high computation skills ( i.e. adding three numbers, adding with regrouping, clock to the 5 min,etc) , yet low mathematical skills . You will probably have to start with Singapore 1A after finishing CLE 100.


So do you think supplementing CLE with the CWP or IP or EP isn't enough to get that Singapore benefit? That I would need to do the complete SM program? (I'll admit I'm a little overwhelmed by the number of items SM seems to require...)




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I personally WANT my child to have high computation skills. It is necessary in order to have mathematical skills. By mathematical skills I am assuming that one would mean word problems and every day uses of math.


I have used Singapore previously with one of my older children for many years. It is a fine program. Honestly, for my family is was too much thinking and reasoning and not enough straight facts.


If you are comfortable with CLE use that and add in extra word problems. Singapore math has just word problem workbooks available.

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This year for first, I did Rightstart B (all of it) and CLE 100 level (all of it). Next year I plan to do CLE (all of it) and do Singapore (using the HIG, TB, and IP, but not the workbook). I'm still debating whether or not I want the HIG and the textbook or if I just want to continue using Rightstart abacus teaching methods and add in the Intensive Practice from Singapore.


I really think you will be pleasantly surprised by the quailty of CLE though.

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CLE is a good, solid program. It doesn't have the depth in some areas that something like Singapore has. That said, I don't think you want to do *too* much supplementation your first year homeschooling. It will make you crazy. :)


If you DO want to supplement, use something like Singapore's Challenging Word Problems, which definitely can stand apart from the rest of the Singapore program. (Don't try to use the full Singapore program as a supplement... all of that on top of another full math program is a lot starting out, especially for a child as young as yours.)


Or, you could use Life of Fred Elementary, Zaccaro's Primary Challenge Math, or play fun math games. All those will build understanding and still give you a fun first year. Good luck!!

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We are just finishing CLE 1. I started out with RS buy it wasn't a good fit for my teaching/his learning style. I am quite pleased with CLE! My MIL, an elementary school teacher who is HIGHLY suspicious of homeschooling in general, gives DS an impromptu math quiz once a week (poor kid) and she has never once found fault with his math skills.


That said, we started Life of Fred as a supplement last month. My son begs for LoF. It is very different from CLE and compliments it well.

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This year for first, I did Rightstart B (all of it) and CLE 100 level (all of it). Next year I plan to do CLE (all of it) and do Singapore (using the HIG, TB, and IP, but not the workbook). I'm still debating whether or not I want the HIG and the textbook or if I just want to continue using Rightstart abacus teaching methods and add in the Intensive Practice from Singapore.


I really think you will be pleasantly surprised by the quailty of CLE though.



Rightstart B and CLE 100 is my plan for next year. Is there a reason why you're not continuting with Rightstart?

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Rightstart B and CLE 100 is my plan for next year. Is there a reason why you're not continuting with Rightstart?


Rightstart B and CLE 100 is a great combination. They are very different and my son never thought he was doing double math duty. I will continue using Rightstart, but through the Activities for the Al Abacus instead of the full curriculum. I really really like the Intensive Practice from Singapore though. I also didn't feel I could do two different levels of rightstart at the same time, too teacher intensive. So my older will go on to parts of Singapore, along with CLE 200 and my next son will start Rightstart B/CLE 100.

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Thanks for all the replies.


I did decide to go ahead and order Singapore 1A and 1B (+ CWP). We're starting CLE 1 Math this week, so we'll be a little ahead on that curriculum come later in the year. Then I'll be able to spend some time adding in SM.


I'm hoping to get a good feel for the 2 programs this year, so maybe I'll be able to chose 1 or the other for next year (or keep both, we'll see).

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CLE is a good, solid program. It doesn't have the depth in some areas that something like Singapore has. That said, I don't think you want to do *too* much supplementation your first year homeschooling. It will make you crazy. :)


:iagree:You can always add later if you feel like something is missing, but don't worry for now.


At the first grade level I have used MUS, Miquon, Singapore, Math Mammoth, and CLE.(I had a hard time finding a fit for my dd) CLE is hands down my favorite program for first grade.

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Sorry , at that age that's overkill. I'm currently using the 100 level for the 2nd time and just CLE alone has long lessons. They do get conceptual teaching at that level. You can use lots of things around your house for manipulatives and really at that level, you can teach conceptual math easily by yourself.

If your teaching them 1+1=2, then get two cheerios out and show them, or make a number line and show them how to go step by step. I have even printed out a 100's chart and laminated it and we use it over and over again. Really you don't need two math programs to teach that.


You can make your own flashcards that show number bonds like Singapore teaches, , same thing as using those triangle flashcards.


The lessons in the Light Units are long ( they aren't long to teach though from the teacher's manual), and most families find they have to split up lessons just to get their children to finish them. So honestly do you really want to add more to it?

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I have used Singapore previously with one of my older children for many years. It is a fine program. Honestly, for my family is was too much thinking and reasoning and not enough straight facts.

There's no such thing as too much thinking and reasoning. In addition while I would guess there are some children who might need even more math facts practice than are available in the Singapore written curriculum, they must be in a tiny minority. If you add in all the texts and workbooks, it's a lot of practice. And for a kid who needed even more practice, I think it would make more sense to add extra practice than to take a few bits from Singapore and use it to supplement CLE Math.

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