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A happy post about our life right now

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I've got my 3 and 2 additional. Some of you might remember the challenging child/situation I posted about a year or so ago. The child with severe learning and focus issues who lived far away and I was picking him up/driving him home?


Well, my engagement with his family ended. Not poorly, but not well. I pray for them.


I was happy with my 3 and my other student, who has been here a year already. But, through what the Mom thinks is Divine Providence, I have a new student. I won't give too many details (out of courtesy) but he was not a match for public school and has entered my homeschool in 3rd grade, the the same as my youngest.


We are struggling (in a good way) with Latina Christinia I, using IEW and Write with the Best and LLATL (yellow and tan), studying Geography, reading Around the World in 80 Days and using Saxon for the older kids and A/O for the younger 2.


I have not been on the computer in the am; this is good. I have a couple of parenting clients; this is good. A well known parenting author has agreed to consider writing the foward to my book; this is good.


I have learned that I am very good at Texas Hold Em. I came in 7th out of 135 at a quarterly tournament. It doesn't "pay", we play for free (points and winner gets paid cash).


My husband rocks. My xh is unemployed; pray that child support and health insurance for the kids continue. Heck, pray for him, his wife and the kids in general.


My dd's arthritis is not flaring, although she is non compliant with medicine. My boys have been registered for another baseball seaon - very busy. My oldest, who was very angry, surly and difficult has made an incredible positive turnaround.


In spite of the fact that my xh claims the kid *and* interest on this house until I can refinance, we are getting a tax refund.





I'm going to kiss my dh and hug my kids.

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that was such a sweet, happy post. I slung some good rep at you for this one!


I guess those of us who have been here awhile get pretty wrapped up in each other's stuff, I am just happy every time you come on here to share the direction of your life these days. Just desserts for how upbeat your attitude was when things were so very hard!!:)

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