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iPad versus real books

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What are your thoughts on the use of iPads in place of workbooks and reading books? With the iPad you can have tons of educational games and interactive books that can easily travel with you, takes up less space,etc. but is it a good thing to just buy reading books for kids in digital form instead of paper form? Real books tear easily with young kids, but do they get more out of a real book? I'm torn between the two.

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This has me torn as well, but I can see the value of it. One thing that I LOVE about the kindle and my kindle app is the ease in looking up words. All you need to do is touch the word, and up pops the definition! I don't think it could get any easier with kids. I'm trying to get my son to use the function more often than he does, so he too can really see the value. I think once I get it all figured out too, doing worksheets will be easier as well, and produce less waste and paper around the house, especially for something that may just have a couple problems on it.


As for games, there are several that my boys love, particularly Stack the States and Stack the Countries. One of the boys uses it for Greek alphabet practice, I'm using it for Japanese, and my little guy loves the Encyclopedia Britannica apps.


I don't think it can ever fully replace "real book" since some aren't available digitally, but it has been very useful for us, and I'm finding myself using it for school more and more.

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For me, it's been a lifesaver to have ebooks. We've moved often, always on our own, and sometimes overseas, and it has made a huge difference to have a digital library instead of a paper one. It's especially important when we're living in a place like Kyrgyzstan where I can't get books in English, and we can't afford to have them shipped here very often. We've lived here before without ebooks and I wouldn't go back to paper.


But that doesn't mean I don't like paper books. I love paper books. I love ebooks. I love that I can get good information from both types of books. I think it's very likely that ebooks will make it possible for far more people to have access to books in the future.


I don't think one type is automatically better than another. I'm just glad to have a choice.

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To me, it's one more tool we have in our school. It has it's usefulness but one does not supersede the other.




*I* am too much of a real book lover to go completely digital, even if it was possible (which it's not, at this point). However, I do see the value in having some stuff in PDF form on the Ipad and like those better than a paper and ink book. (Answer keys for correcting comes to mind first).


But, Wow some of the other apps available on Ipad just blow my mind and are WAY better than a paper magazine or book any day.


Some specifics:


National Geographic

Science 360


NOVA Elements


As far as reading goes, my kids get real books. The Ipad is mine - they get to borrow it for educational games/downtime/quiet time while I'm working with the other child.

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But, Wow some of the other apps available on Ipad just blow my mind and are WAY better than a paper magazine or book any day.


Some specifics:


National Geographic

Science 360


NOVA Elements



Totally. :lol:


As far as reading goes, my kids get real books. The Ipad is mine - they get to borrow it for educational games/downtime/quiet time while I'm working with the other child.


Ha! Here too! :lol:

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We're both and, not either or people :).


I have to admit that when I can get an app storybook with narration etc. for $2.99 or so compared to $9.99 for print...well...I'm replacing some of our worn out picture books that way if they've been digitized :).


That being said, we have walls filled with books AND iPads filled with interactive storybooks, PDFs for workbooks, Kindle format ebooks, and all the fun educational apps and digital manipulatives, puzzles etc.

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