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What do you use for your main, base wardrobe color if you have light animals?

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Black has always been my base. Black pants, coats, etc. with colors brought in with tops,scarves, sweater, etc. However, I have one Golden and two small animals of about the same color. I swear that I can come out of the closet looking perfect with not a bit of lint of hair and not make it to the front door before I am covered in hair again. SO I am seriously considering changing my base color to something where the hair would not be so noticeale. I know a lot of you have shedding animal. What do you do? How do handle it? What do you suggest?

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I think this is funny. We just added a cat to our house...one of the reasons I liked him is because he is a black tabby. We've had white animals before and the hair on my husband's work slacks was insane. With a black tabby, I hope to hide some of the hair.




I'd go for camel, khaki, and beiges...that will help with the Golden's hair...


We keep lint rollers in every bathroom and in every car for quick brush ups before going in somewhere.

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Having 2 white dogs I've pretty much given up on wearing black too.


I wear lots of denim...hair doesn't seem to stick to denim as much. I have tan pants that aren't too bad... it really depends on the fabric. For dress up I do better with patterned skirts...


We also carry a lint roller in every car.

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