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I don't want this to turn into a husband bashing thread so please just help me find a biblical way to cope. My husband works 40 hours a week and that is it! I take care of everything else for the most part. He will do some yard work as well, but even that I have been doing more of lately. His health is not the greatest, but as of yet he has not gone to the DRs.


I have 5 kids at home but they are 11 and under. So they are not much help without a lot of nagging. So I handle, the housework, the bills, the childcare, the cooking, the homeschooling, the laundry, all the appointments, the shopping, and organization of EVERYTHING. :glare:


I am having a hard time with bitterness and anger not just with my husband just everyone in general. I am then feeling depressed and lazy because I know I should not feel like this. KWIM I am trying to be content with my life. I choose this life, but it has not become what I expected. I wanted a strong christian family with an envolved father and loving husband, but that is not what I have at all. Instead, I feel like I am raising these kids by myself most of the time and my husband shows up evey once in a while to tell me what a crappy job I am doing. Or just to tell me I should be doing xyz or yell at everyone.


This is my second marriage and I know what the other side looks like my ex was abusive and an alcoholic. Also he did not have a steady job.


Please don't tell me I need a break from everything because there is no way that can happen. My children are so far behind that each one of them are at least 1 year behind their peers.


If you know of some good books or bible studies that will help keep me focused on the good and to be content with my life I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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Boundaries in Marriage

Rest times for all kids for a certain amount of time. (cds playing in rooms or whatever)

Time at the park?

Trading with a friend or having playdates?

Asking your husband for Sat ams off? (Coffee by yourself or with a friend can be wonderful)

Taking a college level class, even if not for credit, so your brain can work about 3rd grade level. Sometimes I feel like multiplication is all I'll ever talk about....ever again! :)

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Boundaries in Marriage

Rest times for all kids for a certain amount of time. (cds playing in rooms or whatever)

Time at the park?

Trading with a friend or having playdates?

Asking your husband for Sat ams off? (Coffee by yourself or with a friend can be wonderful)

Taking a college level class, even if not for credit, so your brain can work about 3rd grade level. Sometimes I feel like multiplication is all I'll ever talk about....ever again! :)

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I have been taking online classes to get an Associate's Degree but took this semester off school starts again in June.

The Sat morning am idea is a good one as long as it was really early I might be able to sneak it in. Thanks

I will check out the book too.:)

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While this is forum is brought to us by those who promote a classical approach to education,, not all of us here educate our children according to WTM/classical principles. Coming from a different perspective, I would suggest looking at a more relaxed approach to schooling your kids so that you don't have the stress that goes along with feeling like they are "x-number of years behind their peers."


Some suggestions along these lines:

How Children Learn by John Holt

Lifestyle of Learning by Marilyn Howshall*

For The Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macauley

Fundamentals of Homeschooling by Ann Lahrson Fisher




ETA: *We went to some of the Howshall's retreats/conferences 10 or so years ago. I'm wary of some of their religious beliefs/interpretations, but have really appreciated their approach to natural learning.

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Simple Faith

Streams in the Desert

The Practice of Godliness

Salt in My Kitchen

Becoming a Woman of Prayer

The Practice of the Presence of God

Meditations for the Satisfied Soul- In All Things Give Thanks



Just an FYI, these are more inspire to overcome books rather than books of comfort. I know sometimes we just want to be held and comforted. Look in the book of Psalms for some great passages on God's comforting protection. :grouphug:




The God Who Won't Let Go

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Books will not make you content. It sounds as if there is more going on in your marriage

...my husband shows up evey once in a while to tell me what a crappy job I am doing. Or just to tell me I should be doing xyz or yell at everyone.
You two need to talk...with or without a counselor. And if he's having health problems that affect his mood, could you make him a dr. appt and speak with the doctor about what you have observed ahead of time?


For encouraging books, Elizabeth George has some wonderful books and Bible studies. I'm not big on Martha Peace due to a few issues. I feel as though EG focuses more on our personal relationship with God, where MP focuses more on her view of how a marital relationship should be on the wife's part (not everyone agrees with her view, not every marriage is built the same, and simply doing certain things a certain way does not guarantee and change in the marriage relationship...and, yes, I've owned two of her books and done the study that was previously suggested).


http://www.elizabethgeorge.com/ She also has podcasts


Another couple of favourites are:



Edited by mommaduck
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