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Moms of TWINS or more

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Okay, so every other thread in this forum is about connecting based on location, but I'd love a little mini-circle of homeschooling moms of multiples!


My twins, one boy (number four) and my only girl, are just 19 months old. My three students are 13, almost 9, and 7 -- so our issues mostly include keeping toddlers busy while actually getting any school work done. DS13 is a huge help, but in reality he's so much help that HE is the one not getting any work done! LOL


Thought there may be a few of us who either are schooling twins, did at one time, or will eventually. ;) And goodness knows we can use all the support we can get!


Who's out there? :)

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My twins are in the middle. Eldest wasn't quite two when they were born. Ds came along 2 years after them. The girls have been more similar to triplets for forever now. I've schooled them separate and together as need be. We are heading into our last year in the fall. The time went by so quickly.

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Mine are about to turn four. Wow! Time is flying now. I have to tell you, those first two years were sssllooww. They were very difficult in the beginning and my ds suffered for it. But now we are on track and loving every minute. Next year (September '12), I'll be starting more "school work" with them. This year was all about reading aloud, learning ABC's and learning how to count, oh and lots of coloring. I'm excited to see how they learn and how they differ in learning. They are identical, but boy are they different.

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I'm schooling three, ages 8, 6, and 4 and the twins are 2.5. I'm not much to label the age of 2 as "terrible two's" but these last few weeks have been kind of rough. I really need a nap time to get really great quality (quiet) school time for my olders, but they are showing signs of not really needing to nap anymore.


Sigh. They are sweet, well, except for the current age-two thing going on, and they are learning to be quiet, but it's sooooo nice to not have to worry about them for a couple of hours in the afternoon, you know?


When did your twins quit napping, and how do you keep them out of mischief while your teaching the others?? (I regularly have to scrub marker off their arms and legs after a teaching session...)

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