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Should I participate in this homeschool co-op?

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Should I participate in this co-op? SWB says that co-ops often require more from the mom than their kids get out of the group. I agree with this but this co-op has several classes for my highschool girls that I know would be hard or impossible for me to teach so I am really drawn to it. The girls would take the following classes in this order: (I'll * the ones I am most interested in)


*Latin I (Henle or Wheelock)

*IEW (Bible Based Writing & Newberry Literature)

American History / *Debate


*Learning to Lead / Mock Trial


The younger kids would also have classes. The ones for my youngest are:

K-3rd grades

Unit Study





4th-6th Grades







The older kids would have homework which would add to their workloads but that is fine since these classes will be credit worthy. My 15 year old daughter does Heart of Dakota so she only has a 4 day week schedule with that. I have not decided my oldest daughters curriculum for next year so that is flexible as well.


The younger kids will not have homework and they are doing HOD as well so they also have a 4 day a week schedule. I think they would enjoy this co-op but it is not the reason I want to do it.


My biggest concerns are: The travel there (35 minutes), the cost of travel, the preparation and the fact that I have a part time job working 15-20 hours a week. It does cost something, but the max tuition is $350.00 per family. Here is my schedule I anticpate:


Night before

-Pack lunch

-lay out clothes

-bathe if needed


6:15-7:15 Mom wakes, smoothie, workout, shower dress

7:15 – 8:00 5 Kids (ages 6,9,12, 15 & 17) dress, breakfast & go

8:00 – 8:45 Travel 35 minutes to destination


8:45 – 12:00 Co-op classes

12:00 – 12:45 Lunch

12:45 – 2:30 Co-op classes


2:30 – 3:05 Travel 35 minutes home


I may have to work at my part-time job in the evening. I would have to get dinner on the table. I would need to contribute to the co-op by teaching something in the younger kids schedule.


So should I, or better yet, would you participate in this program?


***edited to add*** OK, I forgot to add this is one day a week. Also, this co-op is new. The lady who is running it (and is teaching the high school courses) is a former director for CC Challenge level. She is not using CC materials however, but she is using the same rigor expected in CC.

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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I don't know whether you should, but *I* would not, at least not for the elementary dc. I'd consider it for the high school, although I'd be more inclined to do it if the classes were higher maths, or lab sciences, or foreign languages...things that are more difficult to teach at home (at least for me they are, lol).


For me, it would be a time sucker.

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If it one day a week relieves you from high school subjects you don't want to teach and it gives your kids all a good experience for a reasonable cost, it seems worth considering. Can you get reviews from other families who have participated? Do you know the qualifications of the teachers?

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One day a week? Sure. Your olders get some classes they need, and by teaching a class for the youngers, you don't have to find something to do each week, or don't have to worry about driving back and forth. As far as getting dinner on the table, your kids are old enough to take care of that. Even your six yo can slice fruit or make a salad. I would do as a pp suggested, and talk to others who have used this co-op, to make sure it is worth it though.

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I didn't do a co-op until my oldest was in eighth grade. I wanted her to have a regular teen group established by high school. At that point, it was worth my effort of having one 9-5 day a week in exchange for taking Spanish, Literature, and American Government off my plate in 9th grade. My daughter ended up going to high school second semester, but he co-op credits and grades transferred beautifully and her Spanish textbook remained the same!


Our co-op is not drop-off and every parent teaches or co-teaches. I taught a dance class that first year. I definitely did not put more into the co-op than my kids got out of it. That one class got me out of teaching science and literature to both of my kids last year :D This year, even though my fifth grader is the only one in co-op, I still think it's worth my effort to teach dance in exchange for science, SOTW, literature, and an architecture class. I do oversee his homework and add to any classes that I feel are incomplete on their own.


I've seen people drop co-ops because they are tired at the end of the day. I always shake my head a bit at that. If you do a full day of classes, you can expect to be tired at day's end and you may want to plan take-out or crockpot for dinner. For us, it's worth it to see friends regularly and to lighten my teaching load at home. Also, my kids refuse to take my dance classes so it's nice to have some enthusiasm from elsewhere :D

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For us, it would depend on how disciplined/dedicated the teacher/tutor is. Otherwise, I would find it a waste of my dd's time and money.

I would also be curious as to why she does not do cc anymore. We did do cc foundations when dd was 5 and 6. The tutor can make or break the program. We left after having substandard tutors after the second year.

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It'll be great to hear how the decision works out for you. I'm sure you can get references for how she teaches, seriously the money seems minimal to me. We do $105.00 for Jr High/Highschool and $140.00 for the Primary and under... for the 30 week year. All parents stay on campus and help or teach during classes...so.... :)

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For us, it would depend on how disciplined/dedicated the teacher/tutor is. Otherwise, I would find it a waste of my dd's time and money.

I would also be curious as to why she does not do cc anymore. We did do cc foundations when dd was 5 and 6. The tutor can make or break the program. We left after having substandard tutors after the second year.


I know she left CC because she moved and because the day conflicted with her oldest daughter who is taking classes at college. She did not have any fallings out and she loved the program.

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It sounds a lot like our co-op. We're in our fifth year and I like it a lot because it does give my teens some physics, composition, Latin, etc. that I am not good at. And my teens have good friends. There are families in it that have only little kids (say 8 and under) and I am not sure I would be in it with such young kids but they like it. Ours is once a week and costs $15 a semester ($10 if on leadership or volunteering to make nametags or edit handbook, etc.) and there are scholarships for really tight situations.

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