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Atelier DVD Art Curriculum at Homeschool Buyer's Coop


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Great art work!!!

I just got to my pc today---And thank you everyone for all the orders!!!

Now, should we buy for 2 years, or will they have this sale again next year???


SOOOO Excited!! :hurray:


Yes, this! :D


Any thoughts about the likelihood of it being on sale again next year?

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Okay- 40% might just propel me to try it out. However, I see that Meet The Masters is on there as well. Can someone compare the two for me? Is one more kids friendly? My oldest will be starting 1st grade this year.

Is Atelier more of a full art curriculum where MTM is more art history? :001_huh:


I did just have her try the Mark Kistler sample lessons to see how she would do with online instruction and she did great.

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I know it was on sale last year, anyone know prior to that? I guess there are no guarantees!


Last year was the first year for it.



If they do offer it again next year, it'll probably be another month or so long nerve-wracking affair waiting to see if enough orders are placed.


Just because of that, I'm tempted to add another level myself. :tongue_smilie:

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Mine arrived today and I already love it! I just watched the first session, and it seems really nicely done. The woman's voice is so calm, and I liked how they showed what all the different kids did.


I have to go out and get the right sized paper tomorrow! I think we'll start tomorrow afternoon during quiet time.

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