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Using WWE as a read-aloud book list?


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Anyone do this? Use the stories/poems from WWE for your read-aloud list?

If so, how did it go? Did you feel like you had to rush to get through any (my worry).


We'll be doing WWE1 this fall and I'm thinking about this... I don't like the idea of presenting excerpts for copywork/etc. in isolation...especially if they're works we'd like to read eventually.

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This was my original plan, but I failed miserably. Some of the books were just a bit too long to get finished in a week and a few of them I just wasnt interested in reading. I do need some type of read aloud suggestions or guide though, so I might look back at trying again.

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Yes, three out of four read-alouds we do were inspired by WWE. Most of the excerpts are from the first chapter of the book so it doesn't ruin the story for them - in fact, quite the opposite. It gets ds excited about reading something he wouldn't have otherwise been interested in. As ds got to be a better reader, many of them were also appropriate books for him to read independantly.

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Yes, we did this. I just chose the ones I thought DS would be interested in and didn't try to co-ordinate them with the readings. Of course, it's taken us so long to get through WWE that it hasn't been a problem! We like it but don't do it consistently...

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Yes, but I didn't really use it as my plan or do it on a specific schedule. We just loved the excerpts so much that many of the books we have eventually read aloud, or dd has read herself. We have by no means read all of them, but there are some real gems in all the volumes.

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As soon as I bought WWE 1 I went through and made a list of all of the books and I try to find them at the used bookstore and the homeschool consignment store when we are there. We are not reading them in the order they are in WWE1, nor are we trying to keep ahead of WWE1. I knew they would all be good books so we just read them when we get to them. We are reading the Penderwicks now but I have not idea what order that shows up in WWE1.


I don't have an issue reading the passages from WWE1 without first having read the book. We always find them interesting and we talk about looking forward to reading that book.

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We found the books included in WWE represented a range: some old favorites we'd read long before, some new things that sparked the kids' interest (better than my recommendations could have done), and a few things that were either stand-alones or that we were perfectly happy to leave as excerpts. I would say that ultimately my kids read the vast majority of the books mentioned in the WWE series (it came out too late for my oldest, though he went through the Complete Writer levels 3 and 4 somewhere near the end of 5th grade as a quick review, but my dd did books 2-4). Many were classics we would have read (as read-alouds or read-alones) anyway, and a few were new treats. But I never bothered to try to match them up.


And that worked really well for us. I think you may be overthinking it. :)

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I post the table of contents on the fridge,


If they really like the book, they highlight the title and we add it to our reading list.

That is a good idea....


Why not start reading these books now? :001_smile:
...though we may actually go this route. I have quite a few of the books already, so I may start with those.



Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

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