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Cons to having a 504?

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Are there any downsides to having a 504 plan? Ds has some medical needs, but we've handled them with the teacher just fine..I recently brought in a form from his Dr. to 'document' his needs and now I've gotten a letter from the school to fill out some forms to have an evaluation for a 504. I don't really see how his medical needs interfere with his ability to learn.

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The 504 plan may help when he has another teacher.


My ds has a 504 plan for medical needs (restricted PE activities). The gym teacher has been fantastic about finding appropriate activities outside of the restrictions, but I absolutely want to keep this plan in place if the teacher ever leaves and for when ds leaves for middle school (at that time, he will probably skip PE entirely because of the risk).


I don't see any downside to having a 504 plan for medical reasons.

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I don't think there are any cons to having him evaluated or for receiving a 504.


My daughter has a 504 for Celiac Disease. Among other things, the most useful one is allowing for frequent absences when she doesn't feel well, WITHOUT a doctor's note.

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My daughter had a 504 for a minor orthopedic problem. I don't see any downside to it. Her teacher was very proactive and so sweet about everything but like someone else said, the 504 was in place for the future. We wanted it just in case something changed with the teacher or school and it gives you more authority and rights when dealing with the school.

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Are there any downsides to having a 504 plan? Ds has some medical needs, but we've handled them with the teacher just fine..I recently brought in a form from his Dr. to 'document' his needs and now I've gotten a letter from the school to fill out some forms to have an evaluation for a 504. I don't really see how his medical needs interfere with his ability to learn.


You say that you have handled his needs up to this point directly with the teacher, so to me, that indicates there has been some impact on the classroom environment. What would happen if the teacher had not been understanding or willing to work with you? That is what the 504 plan will help with. Having it all documented so that those things are in place helps assure your child has access to his education and doesn't have to depend on a cooperative teacher (legally) to provide it.

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It's a common misconception that a 504 requires there to be an affect on learning. Perhaps it used to be that way? As it stands right now, a 504 may be granted to someone with a "physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities." Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act then goes on to give examples of disabilities which limit life activities. You may Google if interested.

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If your child has medical needs the 504 can accommodate them when the need arises. The only Con to the 504, is when its NOT implemented by the school. Something that seems to happen quite frequently,

But there is no con for having a 504 put together for your child. The school needs it for records as well.


A 504 has nothing to do with learning. An IEP does though.

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