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Where are Max and Ruby's Parents??

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My kids love the show, too! My dd actually asked me where their mother was and why did Ruby have to take care of Max..... I used the question to talk about different times - "Do they have a TV? Does Ruby ever wear shorts or pants? Can you take the telephone with you, or is it stuck somewhere on a cord? She thought about it and decided that they were not in "our time" and decided back then it was OK to leave your kids at home alone just like in The Cat in the Hat!!! I was having a hard time keeping a straight face, but continued the "lesson". Is Ruby considerate of what Max wants to do? Does she plan well.... like getting everything she needs for a task at once before beginning (remembering the Worm Cake & Max's Bath episodes)? She decided that no, Ruby needed to plan better and let Max use some of his own ideas. That's great because I can now remind her of that every time she tries to override ALL her brother's ideas!!! Since I've started actually using it this way it hasn't seemed so annoying to me anymore. I sit and watch to see what else I can 'teach' them socially!!! ;)

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I only read the 1st page of this thread.


After watching the show for a few weeks the kids asked me where Max and Ruby's parents. I was a bit puzzled so I watched the show. I thought they were being silly. After one show, not a peep of their parents. I said surely they are there. They said there are no mention of them but Ruby takes care of Max.


The kids stopped watching the show. It didn't make any sense to them.



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Oh my! :lol: I don't think I've laughed so much before! You are all too funny (dh has been reading over my shoulder and wonders if this is the type of homeschooling influence I really need :lol: )


BTW - dd loves Max and Ruby (she even has the stuffed animals and plays with them all the time).

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Oh my! :lol: I don't think I've laughed so much before! You are all too funny (dh has been reading over my shoulder and wonders if this is the type of homeschooling influence I really need :lol: )



Yes! It is! Soon you'll be over to the dark side with us! vader.gif


Uhhh, seriously though, just tell him it's summer. We don't act like this all the time. Well, ummm, at least I don't!

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