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I'm going to reread all my Agatha Christie mysteries

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when I was waiting for my dd to arrive (almost 17 years ago) to keep my mind off the wait, I went to used bookstores and eventually bought each and every A. Christie mystery and read them all. Well, to keep myself from going nuts with waiting for our house to sell, I have started re-reading all of the books again. I have actually forgotten the ending to each of them so it will be like I have never read them before. I am not going to rush thru them, will just take my time. Of course if and when our house sells, I will put the books aside to move lol.

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I love Agatha Christie books! I haven't read through them all yet so I'm not up to rereading them yet but I could see myself trying that in the future. I just picked up And Then There Were None from the library today.Do you have a favorite?

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My Dd13 reads them too. Tuppence ones are the best--

Secret Advisary

By the Pricking of my Thumbs

N or M

Partners in Crime

Postern of Fate


Another good character group in:

The Secret of the Chimney

Seven Dials Mystery


Have fun reading!

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I love Agatha Christie books! I haven't read through them all yet so I'm not up to rereading them yet but I could see myself trying that in the future. I just picked up And Then There Were None from the library today.Do you have a favorite?


The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Love that one!


Christie is my favorite author!

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Thanks to copyright expiring, you can also get downloadable (40 + FREE) books of most of Poirot and some of the Miss Marple mysteries. I used to read them on my iPhone.

Where did you find these? All Project Gutenberg has is The Mysterious Affair at Styles and The Secret Admirer.

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My Dd13 reads them too. Tuppence ones are the best--

Secret Advisary

By the Pricking of my Thumbs

N or M

Partners in Crime

Postern of Fate


Ds and I agree. The dd's are currently listening to Secret Adversary as their bedtime story. They love the Poirot series with David Suchet, so I thought the Poirot books would be disappointing to then at this stage. The Tommy and Tuppence books are more character focused.

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