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Atelier Art vs. Artistic Pursuits 1st Grade


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So thankful for this board with the great information and advice!

I am trying to make a decision on art for next year. DH wants to make sure it is included. I seriously think we are going to have some time constraints with the all of the other things that we have planned.


I am looking at both Atelier Art and Artistic Pursuits. Since I am wondering how much time we will actually have to pursue art I am leaning towards Artistic Pursuits because of cost; however, if Atelier Art is better I would be willing to buy it.

Would anyone be able to tell me more about what I am paying for with these 2 programs? How do they compare? Are they similar or not at all alike? ( I do know that Atelier comes with DVDs and the other doesn't)

I have done some searches and have read that a lot of people like this or that program, but not really details on what these programs provide in comparision to each other. Thank you so much in advance!!

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I used Artistic Pursuits Book One last year. It was fine, but I am saving my money to purchase Atelier for the next school year. It just looks like the DVDs will give my ds more "direct" instruction in specific techniques. I am one of those people who can't even draw a straight line with a ruler, so I think this program will teach ds more about art than I will be able to. I am also hoping that art will "get done" on a regular basis if I have the DVDs for instruction.

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I've never looked at Atelier, but I love Artistic Pursuits.


I have the Preschool book and K3 Books 1 & 2. I'm planning to purchase Book 3 next week.


We're almost done with K-3 Book 1 and my kids have learned real skills and to use real art materials. They have learned about artists and the work they do. I love that we're doing art somewhat related to the era of history we're studying, in the style of that era.


Today, we sculpted animals with self hardening clay. I don't think they're trying to work on specific techniques (there's a little bit) as much as they're trying to introduce art and that it's fun. My kids sure think so.


ETA: Don't get me wrong, their drawing, painting, and general artistry has improved, too. If nothing else, the exposure to art has helped.

Edited by ladydusk
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I have used the beginning levels of both Artistic Pursuits and Atelier. I love both programs.


If you are looking for open and go, then I would say Atelier. You simply pop in the DVD and have the art supplies that are needed for the lesson available. Your child does their art while watching the lesson. The main drawback I see here is that my dd tends to just copy what she sees the teacher/children doing in the video.


If you want art appreciation as well as art projects, then you should go with Artistic Pursuits. I love how lots of different media are introduced and used. I think that the art supplies that are needed a bit more costly than what is used in Atelier simply because so many different things are used. The downside of AP is that there is very little in the way of drawing instruction. I have been having to supplement with Drawing with Children so that my dd doesn't become to frustrated with wanting to draw something specific and not knowing how.



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I probably won't be much help......I found AP used and Atelier Level 2 on ebay......so I bought both.:D


We have watched all of the dvds (to check for skips). I don't know when they were produced, but it seems like quite a while ago (based on dress and haircuts). Any children who want a lot of flash and dazzle would probably find this instructor a bit boring, though that was not the case for us.


The instructor is very calm and pleasant. My children asked to watch them again and again and were so inspired, they immediately put some of the techniques they learned to use (led by our 6yo). I am pleased with the purchase and am watching HSBC for the percentage off reached so that I can purchase another level while it is on sale.


I am also very excited about Artistic Pursuits. It does not have the dvds, but I like the way the lessons are divided up and what it teaches about the painters.

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I absolutely love Atelier. It is incredibly easy to use. Just pop in the dvd, watch the lesson and do your project. I am always very happy with how our artwork turns out. It gives me special time with my daughter. The supplies are very basic and therefore so easy to have on hand. If I hadn't bought 2 levels last year during the HSBCs deal, I'd be buying again right now.



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I've used both. My kids and I prefer Atelier. I like that I don't have to plan anything. I already have basic art supplies so we just pop in the dvd and move on to the next lesson. My first impression was that some of the teaching was "cheesy", but my kids and all the neighbor kids have loved the teaching and projects.

Artistic Persuit is more mom teaching and we didn't respond to the project as well. It's a great book, but didn't fit us as well. Maybe I'll pull it out with my new little artist this summer.

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  • 1 year later...

Oh man, this is exactly the thread I needed to read! Thanks for all the input, despite the fact I didn't ask the original question!

I think I'm going to go with Pursuits because I WANT to do this WITH the kids. I mean yippee for math and reading and everything, but art levels the playing field! It's just beautiful fun and I want to be part of that fun!

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I have used both and like both. My daughter feels the same way. However, her favorite art program is Atelier. I really think a first grader would have a lot more fun with Atelier than Artistic Pursuits. Artistic Pursuits is a book of art lessons that you go through with your child or at least that is how we did it. I believe the first book goes in a somewhat chronological order and covers various artists. It has been several years since we used it so I am not sure.


Atelier has DVD instructions. Even when my daughter was in first grade, I could gather the materials and pop in the dvd for her. She didn't need my help at all. She also enjoyed seeing other children enjoy art. She also liked to type of projects better in Atelier.


I don't think you can really go wrong either way. They are both good programs.



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I have used both and while I really wanted to love AP, it just didn't get done. There's not a lot of direction on what to do and there's a lot of repetition. Seems that so many lessons are just a rehash of the previous. It might be good for creative kids, but mine needed a little more handholding. My kids love it. They hear the intro music and they come running.


AP will tell you that you saw a picture of a home - now you draw a picture of a something in your home using a particular medium. Atelier is more project based - the teacher has a sample and she teaches how to recreate using various materials and techniques. I wouldn't call them craft projects - definitely more of art projects.


Atelier has 18 lessons per level, so really more of every other week.


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