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I'm no expert, but I like planks and their variants. They definitely work the upper arms . . .


Regular planks. Side planks. Plank-o-rama. Quick, tough, effective.


I am sure various arm weight things might target the area better, but planks are sooo good for you on so many levels.

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It takes a two-fold approach. Losing weight will help and then exercises that target the triceps. Overhead extensions, bench dips, skull crushers. It's not an easy fix. Just like doing crunches doesn't give someone an awesome stomach. You've got to strip the fat away and then the muscles wlll show through. I would think any exercises that target the arms, especially upper arms would be beneficial.

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It takes a two-fold approach. Losing weight will help and then exercises that target the triceps. Overhead extensions, bench dips, skull crushers. It's not an easy fix. Just like doing crunches doesn't give someone an awesome stomach. You've got to strip the fat away and then the muscles wlll show through. I would think any exercises that target the arms, especially upper arms would be beneficial.


I've noticed them more since losing weight. I've lost almost 30 lbs. and want to lose 12 more. I wasn't sure if exercise would help, but something is better than nothing. :)

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It takes a two-fold approach. Losing weight will help and then exercises that target the triceps. Overhead extensions, bench dips, skull crushers. It's not an easy fix. Just like doing crunches doesn't give someone an awesome stomach. You've got to strip the fat away and then the muscles wlll show through. I would think any exercises that target the arms, especially upper arms would be beneficial.
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All of the above. There's really no activity of daily living that tones the triceps, so you have to do it on purpose. Pilates pushups are also helpful.


You can look on bodybuilding.com or fitnessblender.com for tri-specific exercise ideas.


Also, having recently lost weight, your skin may simply not have tightened to fit the new terrain underneath. And, frankly, it's possible it never will. My triceps are toned ( I have the nice little horseshoe when I flex, even) but when my arm is up in the waving position, the muscle is relaxed and, not having that tight, readily-rebounding skin, there's, uh, movement.

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Is there an exercise I can do to reduce the flabby angel wings on my upper arms?

Beth, I really dislike my upper arms. Flabby and, in my case, problem, upper arms, are common amongst apple types like myself. I have specific style tips if you need those. Great tips from everyone. Here are some more. Sorry that some of it is a repeat. Good reminder for me also.


Diet to lose the fat and then build up the muscles on parts of your body that look too thin to balance out your physique

I build muscle very easily in my upper body and I have big arms. I hate it. From someone who has big arms, I say do not lift heavy for upper body, maybe just initially to get the muscle base, but then only lift for endurance and sculpting. High reps & lower weights are the key.

The main thing here in my opinion, you must eat very clean. No way will the arms get leaner and smaller unless you eat clean! That is an absolute must.


Many have been surprised to see definition in their arms with the light weight work in barre type workouts


Kickboxing which is using the power of your body weight for every punch will tone up those arms


Push-ups and planks


Karen Voight's Energy Sprint has a section which fries the arms by using 3-pound weights with high reps.


The Slim Series


The arm work in Callanetics is some of the best for a no-weighted workout. The newest Callanetics workout uses light pounds. I'm beginning to love Callanetics.


Classical Stretch arm work


Leslie Sansone Shortcuts: Upper Body Workout


Cardio Barre Ultimate Workout apparently has a mean, and I mean begging for mercy bonus arm workout that uses light weight and tons of reps.


Yoga is good for sculpting the arms and keeping them small.


Tracey Anderson says to never use more than 3 pound dumbbells, because anything heavier make you bulky.

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The main thing here in my opinion, you must eat very clean. No way will the arms get leaner and smaller unless you eat clean! That is an absolute must.


What does this mean? I'm eating healthier but I'm still eating lots of the same foods as before the weight loss. I've just gotten much better at portion control.

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Bingo wings!!!!!



I'm convinced that the cure is getting a kayak. I have no evidence to back this up. I just want a kayak. I dance about ten hours a week, but I'll never be a person who exercises for the sake of exercise. It HAVE to get the exercise in the course of doing something fun or constructive.

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What does this mean? I'm eating healthier but I'm still eating lots of the same foods as before the weight loss. I've just gotten much better at portion control.

I wish I knew and had a definitive answer. Those were not my words/tips. I'd copied and pasted from a magazine or site. Can't remember.

Good for you on the portion control and weight loss. :grouphug:

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