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Need supplement to RightStart for review& retention


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RightStart has worked really well in teaching concepts. I really wish I had been taught this way! But the one thing I notice is that there isn't enough repetition. My kids will get a concept but then forget about if over time, because they didn't really get it automated. For instance I love using the abacus to illustrate and check subtraction, but the truth is that you just need to do a whole bunch of subtraction problems to really get it reliably. I want to continue using RS to learn new concepts and ideas but I need to add something else for review and practice. Any suggestions?

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Do you have the set of RS games? I think they are meant to re-enforce.

My plan for first grade was to supplement with MM, but then I ended up relying too much on MM because it was so much easier for me!

We just finished level 1 of MM and now will go back to finishing Level B of RS.


She also does the Daily Word problems by Evan Moore. Next year we will switch to the Challenging Word Problems from Singapore (using level 1 in 2nd) and Primary Challenge Math by Edward Zaccaro.

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Yes, RS is heavily games-based and the intent of the program is to reinforce with games and strengthen mental math. I do wish there were more worksheets, because my DD enjoys them more than playing a math game sometimes. I've been meaning to go back and copy all the worksheets again and even make up my own for her to do for extra practice. I've considered getting MM or SM for extra practice but I am concerned that there will be subtle differences that will confuse her.

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Yes, I know about the games, but there don't seem to be games for subtracting four digit numbers with borrowing! Thanks for the input- what is MM?


MM is Math Mammouth. Many people use MM or Singapore to supplement RS. I've used Singapore, and since both SM and RS are considered Asian math, they are not completely incompatible. I've only used the first grade level of each, however. :001_smile:

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I'm using MEP to supplement. We're doing RS C and MEP Level 2. So at the beginning they were pretty complementary, but now MEP 2b is starting division, while RS doesn't do division until D. And there's abstraction/algebraic thinking going on in MEP already. So eventually it looks like it'll be MEP only, especially since RS only has 3 more levels, and MEP goes to Level 9.


The game for subtracting and adding four(or more) digits is Monopoly!

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I used RS A, B and C with my daughter and thought it was wonderful. I did not go onto D, however, because there was not enough systematic written practice built into the program for me at that point. I added CLE, intending to just supplement, but it became our main program and I've never looked back.



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Why not just print out some practice problems and have them do it? Do some every day. I wouldn't jump ship enitrely yet but of course that is up to you. I've found here that some concepts that are harder to get do eventually sink in with doing a bit at a time, although sometimes things are forgotten in bits and pieces and then picked up again.

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