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Hey Mormon Moms...

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Also, I've been thinking it would be fun to have a separate thread to discuss the contents of the conference talks with you ladies here, in addition to the practicalities of managing children for that many hours of talks. Would that be inappropriate on a homeschool board? It does seem like we talk about anything and everything around here, but I don't want to seem like I'm shoving in with my own agenda.. But I like chatting about this stuff with other "thinkers" and there really has been some good food for thought offered in the past couple of days. I think.


What do you think?


I'd LOVE this. Though maybe we should utilize the LDS group for it?

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I have to admit I'm not a big fan of the social boards. It seems like the allowable message length is never quite enough. Which probably REALLY means that I just talk too much...heh...


If you don't think it would be inappropriate, my preference would be just in the general board. I don't have any problem with people of other faiths (or none) jumping in if they're interested. And I agree that more than one thread would be too much.


Since the next session is about to start I think I'll wait until it's over before starting a thread. Then maybe we could just start at the beginning of Saturday Morning session and go through the talks one at a time and share insights and favorite quotes and questions that occurred to us during the talk and things like that, and move on to the next one when the discussion peters out. But in the same thread. Does that sound reasonable?

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My kids are too old to be of any use in giving ideas for how to watch but I am excited about discussing the talks.


I agree that the social group is just too limited and the Yahoo group seems to have fizzled (unless my email is just sending the updates to my spam). I would love to see it on the general board so we can respond and quote and have more of a conversation.

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Diane--I had to laugh at your comment about the ties. Oh, one of my brothers had the UGLIEST ties. Eye watering!



Oh, how I love President Uchtdorf's talks!!!


"Do you judge others, gossip, wish harm to someone, hold grudges? Stop it!" Perfect. :D


Also loved the quote, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." Again, perfect...and puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?


Loved that talk and want that quote on a t-shirt!


I would love that! I'm making mint brownies now, but I will definitely jump in when I can. Which talk do you want to discuss first?


I want to discuss mint brownies first (kidding, but recipe???? :bigear:)


I didn't notice Elder Archuleta either!

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Oh, how I love President Uchtdorf's talks!!!


"Do you judge others, gossip, wish harm to someone, hold grudges? Stop it!" Perfect. :D


Also loved the quote, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." Again, perfect...and puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?


I'm not Mormon but I have to say I love this quote. I so want it on a t-shirt! Just peeking in here - religions interest me :D

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I'm not Mormon but I have to say I love this quote. I so want it on a t-shirt! Just peeking in here - religions interest me :D


I'm glad you did. Religions interest me too, and I love hearing from people with different perspectives, as looking at my own beliefs from another angle often helps me see them differently, or brings up new and interesting questions I can then go digging for information about. You're more than welcome over on the other thread too, just jump in anywhere.

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I want to discuss mint brownies first (kidding, but recipe???? :bigear:


Ok....I have two. First...the EASIEST one in the entire universe. The one you use when you have to bring a treat to Scouts, a youth activity or RS and you FORGOT. Which always happens here. "Mom, I'm supposed to bring a treat tonight for (fill in the blank).


Make your favorite brownie recipe (*gasp* even a store bought mix from a box). When the brownies come out of the oven, dump a bag on Andes mint bits all over them (the kind you buy in the baking aisle near the chocolate chips). Wait a couple minutes until they melt. Smooth with a knife as if they were frosting. They will harden when they cool and leave a lovely chocolatey-mint "frosting" on your brownies. And they taste divine!!


I'll dig out my more traditional recipe and post it later.

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