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Rosetta Stone Latin or Visual Latin


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I am looking for a Latin program for my 10 yo. This will be his first exposure to Latin. He wants to learn Latin so he can learn other languages more easily and he is also very interested in science, which uses a lot of Latin-based terminology. I would like for him to understand Latin word roots. This is to say that I am not looking for a Classical approach to Latin but more of an introduction and overview.


Also, I would like for him to be able to work on this independently. He is a very strong reader with strong grammar skills. He also prefers to do as much work as he can on the computer.


So, having said all of that, I am looking at Rosetta Stone Latin (Online Classroom Version 3) and Visual Latin (downloads).


Does anyone have experience with either program? Good experience? Bad experience? Yes, it fits what I am looking for? No, that's not going to give me what I want? Is there another program that you recommend instead? Etc.


Thanks so much!!

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I'm not a huge fan of Rosetta Stone for Latin, however it's been awhile since I thought about why. My boys don't care for it either.


However, they LOVE Visual Latin. Dwayne cracks them up (I half-listen to the lessons, and he's got a quirky sense of humor). I'm having them do this alongside Getting Started With Latin (for extra practice), and they'll add in Lingua Latina (it's recommended around lesson 17, I think).

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I have purchased many, many Latin programs we have had no success until Visual Latin came along. Dwane is very funny and ds now willingly does Latin daily! If you look at the free lessons offered, he gives a lot of good advise for learning any language. You do not need any previous Latin to do Visual Latin.


We have tried Rosetta Stone for Spanish and French and I have nothing good to say about RS.

Edited by M&M
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I haven't used/seen Rosetta Stone Latin, but I didn't care for the Spanish curriculum we tried (it was an older version, though.)


After years of using Latin Primer I, II, & III, this year we are using Visual Latin and love it! I really appreciate his translation method (just go ahead and translate, even if you don't understand every bit of grammar going on.) He does talk about root words and vocabulary as a matter of course.


My 9yodd really does it on her own (she's had no previous Latin), although sometimes I help her if she gets stuck in a worksheet or in a translation section. There are vocabulary lists and other helps to download - I printed out the lists and put them in page protectors in her binder for regular use.


I really think a child can use this effectively with no previous Latin, especially as a 10yo. Plus, if you get just the first 10 lessons you'll get a good idea of how well it works with your child without breaking the bank.

Edited by Susan in TN
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